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Trigger warning ⚠️ please tread carefully


I felt sick, the scars on my back stinging feeling like the strikes against my back were brand new, the breath in my chest immediately escaping my lungs. I couldn't move, each terrible memory of him flashed in my mind and tears brinked in my eyes.

"Pumpkin! I missed you so much! It's been years since I last saw you!" Dad said opening his arms for a hug, I didn't move, I couldn't move, I looked him over seeing his neatly done, greying hair, his dark soulless eyes, his large calloused hands that made a chill run up my spine and the cane, the mahogany cane that allowed him to walk, I stared at the slender part of the cane noticing the fading of the stain right where he would hit me. I gulped hard, feeling my back burn more intensely as sweat beaded on my forehead, Kirishima stepped in front of me and stuck out his hand "Hello Sir, my name's Kirishima Eijiro, I'm your daughter's Boyfriend!" Dad happily took his hand and shook it "Nice to meet you, young man. And you are?" He asked, turning to the blonde, "Also her Boyfriend, the name's Katsuki Bakugo." Bakugo stuck out his hand and Dad firmly grabbed it back "Ah you're the one who beat my daughter in that sports festival.." Dad said, still firmly shaking Bakugo's hand "Ya, I treated her like I would with anyone else, got a problem with that?" "No not at all, I like that about you, good man!" He replied finally letting go of Bakugo's hand "Now how about you kids go have some fun and I'll get dinner started" the (h/c) man added "Bakugo and I can help if you need sir!" Kirishima said with a large grin, really trying to make a good impression, "No no, it's really alright, you kids have fun! I'll call you when it's almost ready." Dad replied, a smile plastered on his face, Kirishima nodded and the two boys made their way to my bedroom, with me shakily trailing behind them.

I took a deep breath and sat down on my bed, slowly wrapping myself in a soft blanket and squeezing it tight. "Are you ok (y/n)? You didn't seem super excited when you saw your Dad." Kirishima asked sitting next to me with his legs crossed "Ya and what the fuck is up with the cane?" Bakugo spat "O-oh um, I-I guess it's because w-w-we kind of drifted a-apart after he left and he didn't really t-t-try to, keep in touch s-so I assumed he was too b-busy for me. Also he was a w-war veteran and was shot in the hip and knee while protecting and s-saving his comrades from enemy fire. That's why h-he has the c-cane." I said, only half truthfully, hearing Bakugo grumble out a muffled "Oh" "You must be very proud of him!" Kirishima smiled, amazed by Dad's bravery and manliness. "I-I guess so." I immediately started a different conversation trying to steer away from talking about Dad.

After some time of casual banter, I was able to slightly calm down, trying to push out any thoughts of Dad when I remembered something "When you guys introduced yourselves, you both said boyfriend~" I began feeling a faint blush form on my cheeks but was quickly interrupted by Kirishima "If that made you uncomfortable, we understand, we technically never made it official, but me and Bakugo were talking and we thought that maybe you, would maybe want to, I dont know maybe~" Kirishima attempted to explain but kept stumbling over his words so was quickly interrupted by Bakugo this time "God you sound like fucking Deku when you ramble like that, what shitty hair was trying to say was, we had a annoyingly long talk and we wanted to both fucking ask you out." Kirishima nodded a long with a large smile on his face, I was at a loss for words, completely overjoyed, a smile crept onto my lips and my cheeks flared up like crazy, "We thought we were going to ask you at a nicer place and time but, since boyfriend kind of slipped out before, this might be a good time!" Kirishima smiled widely, showing off his perfectly pointed teeth. "So do you want to be our stupid girlfriend?" Bakugo grumbled looking everywhere but at me. I felt my cheeks burn red as my heart swelled with joy and my eyes watered slightly, "Yes, of course I will!" I nodded and smiled, quickly wrapping my arms around the two boys' necks and pushing them backwards, engulfing them in a loving hug. Kirishima smiled and nestled his head into the crook of my neck and put his large hand on my upper back squeezing me gently. Bakugo also kept his head tucked into my neck while his hand rested on the small of my back. I felt both their smiles on my skin and I squeezed both of them tightly before pulling back and gently kissing both of them on the cheek. I watched as small blushes formed on both the boys cheeks, Bakugo turned away trying to seem unaffected, but Kirishima smiled happily back at me.

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