"Pomelia? Warren?"

Pom instantly became nervous. It was her mother. In her black pantsuit and strong mask of nothingness on her face. Her eyes momentarily were surprised as she looked over Pomelia before her eyes landed on War.

"Agent Grace," War greeted her as Pomelia awkwardly waved at her mother, suddenly feeling self conscious about what she was wearing.

Her mother gave a slight smile. "Where is Alpha Khan? I am glad I ran into you too actually but I am here for Khan."

War groaned and wiped a hand over his face. "Khan isn't here. He-"

"-Well where is he? I sent at least three summons here over the past month and a half."

Summons? What was her mother talking about. "We can't be thrown into jail or charged for any of our crimes. I don't know why you're looking for him."

Her mother scoffed. "I really do not wish to argue with you about this. We have a warrant to search this property for Sai Khan. Yes physical crimes your pack is protected against but tax fraud. Not paying your pack taxes for the last ten years. That is something he can be jailed for," her mother smiled, a glint in her eyes.

Tax fraud? "So give me Sai Khan or if by a miracle that stingy man isn't alpha anymore give me your alpha and I'll be out of your hair."

Pomelia stared at War in absolute fear. She was trembling now and gripped his hand tight as War seemed to be thinking of the words to talk with.

Erica Grace stared at both of them, sighing loudly. "Agent go to the car and sit there til I am done," she spoke to the man who was behind her with his hand on his gun. "Warren I advise you to tell your men the same."

War gave the few wolves a look and that was it for them to scramble away, looking as if their lives depended on getting the farthest away from them.

"B-but I have to protect you. You're the-"

"-Does it look like my daughter and her mate are going to harm me?" Erica Grace snarled harshly as the man's eyes widened. Pomelia's mother cursed under her breath before snapping at the man to go sit in the car.

Erica Grace made her way over to the young couple, Pomelia on the verge of tears as she held her mates hand tightly. She couldn't arrest War. She just couldn't. Every step Erica took forward was a nail in the coffin she felt like.

Pomelia began to pray to the goddess while her mother glared them down so venomously she thought poison would start to leak from her pores. "Tell me what the hell is going on right now. I want the truth before I bring both of you in for questioning and I really don't want to do that."

"I'm Alpha now," War spoke quickly. "Pomelia is Luna...Khan isn't here. We don't know where he is. He left last week and said he would be back."

Agent Grace cursed again, her eyes falling on Pomelia who was wiping at her tears silently. "Pomelia is that true?"

"Yes. The pack elected us a-and we took the position. We don't know anything about taxes!" Pomelia claimed, hoping War really didn't know anything about these taxes that weren't paid. She hoped and prayed to the goddess that he didn't know anything about it.

Erica Grace began to rub her temples. "We rarely arrest and jail alphas for tax fraud. Summons are sent and usually checks are paid or the debt just racks up...I initiated this warrant to arrest him to help you two get away from this godforsaken pack," her mother snapped angrily.

Pomelia gasped. She didn't think her mother was that type of person. To interfere with things like that...but here she was.

"We didn't ask for that." War growled. "I had no idea about tax fraud. I'm still working on the paperwork."

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