While looking at the fairies took her away from her world, a sparkle caught the corner of her eyes. She dismissed it quickly, however they wouldn't disappear. She tore her eyes off from the beautiful sight and looked around. She was instantly engulfed in excitement for they are completely surrounded by fairies. Each had a pair and they too were dancing happily. Julie walked around and observed their looks and structures. Lollinda wouldn't believe her if she told her this she thought. A fairy emitting a green glow landed on her hand and she smiled as the fairies' beauty entranced her. Its body was covered with leaves exposing a little bit of its tummy and legs. The leaves encased the fairy like armour for it had smooth pointy edges. It had a cap covering its entire head and a tiny little bulb of green sprouting out of it. The fairy stared at her with wonder and its long pointy ears wiggled making Julie giggle. Signalling a goodbye, the fairy's pointy wings rapidly moved up and down and in an instant it left Julie's hand. She waved a goodbye and sighed happily. She was so happy she forgot about Rhydian. When she looked around she found him leaning against the Narra tree staring at her. He had not left his spot since she was next to him and it made her wonder why the fairies didn't surprise him at all. It's as if he has seen them so many times. He smiled and left his space and walked towards her. Panicked, she turned away from him and pretended to still be amazed with the fairies but she felt him so close to her, it made her heart beat faster than usual. She felt his lips to her ear as he whispered. "Happy Birthday."

Happy birthday. Those two words reverberated in her ear again and again making her feel giddy and tingly, she had no clue why. How on earth did he know her birthday? She only met him once and he knows more of her than she knows him. She turned around ever so slowly and faced him. For the first time she saw how handsome he looked with the baby rays of the sun hitting his natural pale skin. Every part of his face is perfectly sculpted, like the images she saw of the Gods in Olympus. Every part of his face is perfect apart from the long scar he has near his chin going up, which made her wonder how he got it. He looked at her and his green eyes showed wonder and longing, she couldn't quite understand. She finally breathed out. "Thank you." A smile slowly spread across his face and Julie felt that this year might be the best birthday she has ever had. He took her hands and led her to deeper into the forest and she gladly followed. The fairies followed them wherever they went illuminating there path. They reached another clearing where more fairies inhabited the area. The trees were hollow and tiny yellow specs of light shone. Julie peered through the hole and saw miniature furniture placed neatly on different areas of the room. A soothing sound made her move her gaze away and followed where the sound of a lute is being played. As she moved around the tree, she saw a lady sitting crossed legged in mid-air. She clutched an odd looking lute and she played it with her eyes closed. She was wearing a beautiful dress with a colour of withered leaves and her short wavy hair was the colour of sunset. As she was playing the fallen leaves around her swirled and the cool breeze was replaced by the nice warm wind. As Julie walked closer to her she saw that she was frowning and she looked sad. She felt Rhydian behind her. "Who is she?" She asked.

Rhydian scooted next to her to get a better view and he answered with a smile. "She's the Fairy Lutist. She comes out and plays her Lute whenever she knows a particular day is significant."

Julie was puzzled. "Well what's so significant about today . . . and why does she look so sad?" Rhydian smiled at her and placed a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "I don't know really; maybe because it's your birthday." He teased. "The Fairy Lutist rarely smiles. As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone has ever witnessed her smile before. She mostly closes her eyes as she plays and her expressions never change. She never comes near people because humans only want to capture and sell her." Julie saw Rhydian's face hardened which made her wonder how he knew all about her. "Old folks say she has the power to grant wishes. Others say she can see the future. That's why she's called the Fairy Lutist because she only appears whenever there are fairies around. However, as I said she only comes out when she knows a particular day is significant. She doesn't come out all the time because she knows she possess a threat to them." He gestured to the fairies circling them. "Men have captured fairies before just for them see what her powers are really capable of. That's also why fairies live away from us, because they're scared."

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