Chapter 18

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Ukai's POV

"You two ready?" I said with a small smile, Ittetsu and Yuna wandering over. Ittetsu and I agreed we should take Yuna somewhere we think she'd like as an apology. We felt awful for what she's been through, and in such a short time. She deserves better, so we're going to do our best to do that for her.

"Yeah, we're ready." Ittetsu said as Yuna ran up to me. I chuckled and picked her up, giving her head a kiss before giving my husband's head a kiss as well. We went out to the car, buckled Yuna in safely, and headed off.

Once we finally got there, Yuna seemed a bit puzzled but didn't ask too many questions when Ittetsu carried her inside. When we walked inside, we asked to see the managers of the place and were taken to the office. The worker left as I knocked, the door soon opening as the alpha we used to help coach in high school opened the door. 

Kiyoko's POV

I smiled gently when I opened the door. I was expecting their company since they had called and asked if we were here today. Suga and the others from high school told me that our previous coaches were here and wanted to see me, and my mate.

"Ittetsu, Keishin, please come in." I said, allowing the two into my office. They thanked me and walked in and sat down, their daughter in Ittetsu's lap.

"Yuna, this is Kiyoko. We used to know her when she was in high school." Keishin said, his daughter shyly smiling at me. She was quite adorable, and looked much like Ittetsu. 

"It's nice to meet you." I said politely, Yuna giving me a cute little smile and nod.

"I will be leaving soon, would you like to come over for dinner and meet my mate?" I asked, Yuna looking up at her dads curiously before nodding. I smiled and told them to feel free to look around the store while I finished up a few things.

The family left my office while I finished up some scheduling and paperwork. When I was all finished and my assistant manager was here to take over for the evening, I found the family looking at a bunch of the volleyball things. Perks of managing a sports store. 

When they were finished, we got into our cars, and they followed me to my home. It wasn't a far drive, so we made it there soon and were able to walk in. As soon as we walked in, I set my things down and smiled faintly to see my mate wander over.

"Kiyoko, you're back! And who is this!?"

"This is our daughter, Yuna." Ittetsu said with a small laugh.

"Aw, she looks just like you!"

"Thank you... It's amazing how much you have grown up, Yachi." He said, my mate giggling as she stood upright.

"Well it's a part of life!" She said, properly greeting the two now before leaning back down and smiling at the cute little girl.

"Well, I was in the middle of making dinner and some cookies for dessert, do you wanna help?" She offered, Yuna nodding eagerly as her dads let her go into the kitchen with Yachi. I smiled faintly and watched the two before having the two sit with me.

"How have you two been?" I asked with a small smile, Keishin and Ittetsu looking at each other and holding hands before Keishin was the one to answer me.

"Oh, there have... been some rough spots the last few years, to be honest. We're sorry that we haven't come to see you and Yachi properly in all this time."

"Please don't be sorry. It was nice to see you both at Suga and Daichi's wedding. It was just a shame we weren't able to talk much."

"Yeah.. How are you and Yachi doing?" 

"We're doing well. I'm glad to see you both. It's been too long." 

"It's been so long since we've seen all of you! Makes me feel nostalgic. And old." Keishin said with a laugh, Ittetsu giggling slightly and nodding in agreement. I couldn't help but smile at the two. Both of them had such impacts on all of our lives. 

They both were always there to encourage us to do our bests, and to push us past our limits. We all missed them, they were a part of our family practically. But it was wonderful to see them now. 

"Hey guys! Dinner is done!" Yachi called from the kitchen. We all got up and went to the dining room where she set the food down, Yuna managing to climb up into her dad's lap as we ate.

"Wow, Yachi, you've become a good cook." Ittetsu said with a small smile, Yachi giggling and shaking her head.

"I think it was my amazing helper!" She said while looking at Yuna. Yuna smiled happily and nodded in agreement as she got to eating. After the main meal was finished, we had dessert and visited some more. It was nice to get to talk to the former coach and teacher, but it was just as nice to see their cute daughter and my mate talking nonsense and having fun.

It was unfortunate that they couldn't stay much longer since they did have a bit of a drive back home. So, we gave them some of the cookies to take home with them while hugging them goodbye.

"Thank you both for dinner. We'll be sure to try and visit more often." Ittetsu said.

"Thank you both for coming to see us. And we hope to see you again." I said, Yuna smiling happily and giving me and yachi a hug before the family left. Once they were gone, Yachi huffed and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Gee, I feel bad for them.."

"I know. I do too."

"After what Suga and Daichi told us.. I mean, they didn't give us all the details. But... it was enough."

"Well, they all seem to be rcovering as a family. So, no need to bring it up to them if they are trying to move past it."

"Yeah, but it still makes me feel awful. No one should have to go through what they have." 

"I agree. But, sometimes the worst things happen to the best people."

"Hm. Oh! I have an idea!"


"Come on, you and I gotta lotta phone calls to make now!" 

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