Chapter 5

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T.W: chapter has rape in it

Few Days Time Skip: Ukai's POV

"I don't see a reason I can't go with ya." I complained as Ittetsu pulled on his jacket. He gave me a kiss before heading towards the door.

"I told you. You and your big mouth will end up spilling to Suga or Daichi the gift I want to get them for their wedding. And I want it to stay a surprise." 

".....I will not.." I grumbled, my mate laughing and shaking his head.

"Sureee. I'll be back." He said before leaving. I sighed and watched him go. It always made me anxious to leave my husband alone. I mean, he's an adult man yeah, but he's also an omega. Omega's tend to get into a lot more trouble than they ask for. And we've had a few close scares before.

It didn't make me anymore comfortable that I know Ittetsu is near his heat cycle. He said that he shouldn't go into heat for another couple days at least, but whenever he's in heat or gets into nesting moods, I wanna be near him. 

Takeda's POV

It took me a little bit to find the gift I wanted to get the soon-to-be newly weds. I was excited for the two, it was a big deal for them to be getting married. And an even bigger deal that Suga was expecting. I wonder if he told Daichi about it yet?

I continued on my walk home when everything started getting warm. What? There's no way that I should be getting my heat so soon... I really can't be out in public if I am getting it early. Every alpha in the area would be able to smell the pheromones and I don't have Keishin to help or protect me. 

I tried to grab my phone to call my alpha, but I had to stumble over and lean against a wall first. While I was trying to shakily dial his number, someone grabbed my phone. I gasped and looked up, seeing an alpha looking down at me with a grin.

"Are you trying to seduce every alpha in the neighborhood smelling like that?" He asked with a grin. I shook my head and tried to grab my phone back.

"L-leave me alone.."

"Now that's not a nice way to talk back to an alpha." The man said, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind the building I was leaning against. As if I already wasn't weak, I was even weaker during my heat and it was easy for him to push me to the ground. My heat started getting worse with the scent of an alpha on top of me.

"Ge...get away from me..!" I tried shouting when the alpha started removing my clothes. He just growled at me before I heard the unbuckling of a belt. 

"Stay still, we don't want this to hurt~" He said while restraining my hands with his belt.

"Please don't..."

"Look at you, you're practically begging for an alpha to fuck you. You're soaking wet and your hips are moving." He said which made me feel ashamed. I bit my lip when I felt him begin to push himself into me. I can't let another alpha do this to me..! 

It doesn't matter if I'm married and marked.. If I let another alpha do this to me, my alpha will know.. He'll know and he will naturally reject me. He'd want a different omega. And I can't lose my husband, he's my entire life.. I know he loves me. But his alpha side, his natural instincts will drive him mad until he gives in and leaves me. 

"Please... please stop. Please, I'll give you money or whatever else you want, just please...!"

"Oh shut up." The alpha said before pushing his hips forward roughly. I started crying, my entire body to weak to stop him from touching me where he pleased and doing what he wanted. The alpha took over an hour to finish, and once he was done, he simply untied me and left. My body felt spent and I felt disgusting. 

I can't go home like this... I can't go home to my husband and my alpha like this. Slowly, I pulled myself off the ground and shakily pulled my clothes back on. What was I going to do...? Desperately, all I want is my alpha. And I don't have anyone else here to help me... I looked at my phone lying on the ground and grabbed it. I'm scared, but I have no other choice.



"Ittetsu, where are you? You've been gone a long time, I tried calling..!"


"Hey, are you alright? Where are you!"

"Can you come get me..."

"Where are you baby?" He said, sounding worried. I quietly told him and he said he'd be right over. I sat there and waited in silence until I heard him calling my name. I quietly responded and heard him run over. The sound of his shoes on the ground stopped when he was in front of me. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.


"...I'm sorry." I said, starting to cry again. Keishin stood there for a moment before slowly walking closer and kneeling down. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. I could tell he had a run over emotions going through him. The corner of his lips kept twitching in a snarl, something he only did when he was mad at me... But he tried to stop it each time. 

He shook his head, turning his head away from me when he took a breath. I wanted to grab onto him, but I knew he was upset.. 

"....Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

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