Chapter 13

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Few Months Time Skip: Takeda's POV

"It hurts..." I said with a deep breath. Keishin stood by me while I was in the hospital bed and he was holding my hand.

"I know, come on just keep breathing. The doctor said that it's almost time." He encouraged as I took in a deep breath to try and keep the pain at bay. There was a knock at the door and Keishin said to come in.

"Well well well, it's time huh?" The alpha to my baby said as he strolled in. Keishin growled and pointed at the door with his free hand.

"Get the hell out."

"I told you, I do have a right to be here."

"Not during his labor. Get out." 

"Heh.. Alright alright. I'll be back in in a few hours." He said with a wink. He left the room quietly as Keishin scowled.



"Sorry, are you okay baby?" He asked, kissing my head when I took in another sharp breath. There was another knock, and this time it was the nurses to come help and see how I was doing so far.

"Are you ready Mr. Ukai?" one asked, but looked concerned when I wasn't responding. Keishin started looking worried as well as a beeping was going off. My head was spinning and I felt sick and lightheaded...

"Mr. Ukai?? Mr. Ukai..! Someone get the doctor, he's going unconscious."

Ukai's POV

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave." One of the nurses said.

"What the hell is happening!" I said, Ittetsu passing out while I was still holding his hand.

"Sir please you cannot be in here at the moment." One of the male nurses said and basically shoved e out of the room. I saw his doctor walk past me and into the room while I stood there.

"What's going on in t-" I growled, turning and pressing my hand around the alpha's throat as I threw him against the wall.

"You did this."

"Excuse me?"

"You. Did. This to him. YOU caused him so much distress about this baby. Was fucking raping MY omega and husband not enough for you?" I said in a low voice. The alpha just grinned at me as I let go of him.

"I don't know what you mean, there are no allegations against me about any type of crime, I'm simply here to see my baby and assert the custody I legally will have over him or her." He said. If I was allowed, I'd fucking kill him right now. Actually, I'd kill him anyway, but I know Ittetsu needs me. So. There was nothing I could do but wait.

Few Hours Later

"Mr. Ukai?"

"Yes..! Is Ittetsu okay?"

"Please follow me." A nurse said as I got up, the alpha getting up as well. The nurse stopped him and tilted her head.

"Are you related to Mr. Ittetsu Ukai, sir?"

"I'm the father of the baby."

"Oh... Um, we will only be a bit sir. If you could please wait here." She said, the alpha sitting back down as I followed the nurse quickly. We got to the room Ittetsu was in and he looked like he was asleep.

"...Is he alright?" I said, staring at my husband. The nurse got some papers and talked with me, explaining there were a lot of issues, thought Ittetsu was physically okay so far. She talked with me as carefully as she could, explaining that Ittetsu's hormone levels are out of balance and his blood pressure is far too high for someone our age.

"He will be prescribed medications. These one's here. Please make sure-"

"Hey wait, isn't this one an anti-depressant...?"

"..Yes sir." The nurse said when I pointed to one of the first medications listed. 

"...What's it for."

"Are you familiar with postpartum depression or other postpartum disorders?"


"Your husband's body has had an intense drop in hormones and abnormal reactions to the birth and through his pregnancy we were keeping an eye on. The doctor has prescribed this medication for safety measures. He only needs to take it if you notice depressed behavior after a couple days." She said while giving me the list. I slowly nodded before saying quietly.

"...Where's the baby?"

"The baby is being taken care of and cleaned."

"What is it..?"

"The baby is a very healthy baby girl." She said with a small smile. I nodded slightly and thanked her as I walked over to Ittetsu's side. The nurse said he should be waking up in a bit and she will get the baby for us. I watched her go while holding my husband's hand until he woke up.


"Hey baby... How're you feeling..?"


"Ittetsu-" I was interrupted by a knock. One nurse opened the door as another brought in the baby girl. My omega lifted his head slightly in interest as he took her from the nurse who both left us alone. 

"She looks quite a bit like you." I said, Ittetsu nodding slightly as he looked down at her face. I was worried when he said nothing about his own daughter in his arms... 

"Ittetsu.. have you thought of a name?"

"..Yuna." He said quietly. I nodded when the door opened again, the alpha walking in.

"Ah, look at this!" He said with a smile and standing on the other side of my husband. I growled quietly as he held his arms out.

"Let me see her." He said, Ittetsu looking at him silently before slowly giving the baby to him. The baby started fussing a bit now that she was away from Ittetsu, so I crossed my arms.

"Give her back to him."

"Excuse me, are you forgetting-"

"Fuck you and all your "legal documents" I know what the hell they all say. But that baby is clearly upset, so give her back to her dad." I said, the alpha rolling his eyes as he gave the baby back to Ittetsu. Once the baby calmed down, the alpha checked his watch.

"Well, I need to be leaving anyway. I'll come visit you both in a few weeks for her first weekend with me." 

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