Chapter 7

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The Next Morning: Takeda's POV
"Keishin, I need to talk with you..." I said, feeling anxious when I saw my husband walk over this morning. He looked a bit concerned, but nodded and sat down with me. I took in a breath as he tapped his fingers against his leg.

"What is it..?"

"Well. You and I know that things between us will only get worse. And, I don't want you to be unhappy."

"What are you saying.."

"Well. I just... Wouldn't it be better if we separated..?"

"What are you talking about..! I love you, and I said I wouldn't leave."

"Keishin, you haven't kissed or touched me in days. And it isn't your fault... but we can't live like that."

"...Ittetsu, this is something we would need to talk about and think about a lot more before we do anything."

"I know... But, it was just a thought."

"It isn't one I want to do."

"I don't either... but, there is one more thing."


"...I'm pregnant."


"...I. I should have had my heat by now, but I haven't. And, I've been feeling generally a bit nauseous. So... I bought a test early this morning before you woke up, and, it's positive."

"...Shit. Really?"


"....Is.. is it mine?"

"I don't know.. But... I felt that you needed to know either way." I said quietly, Keishin sitting there still looking a bit stunned. We sat in silence before my husband let out a slow sigh.



"Ittetsu, we won't know who's baby it is until it's born. But I'm not willing to risk anything if it's mine, and I'm not leaving. Okay?"

"Okay.." I said, looking down at my stomach. I was overjoyed, in a sense, that I was pregnant... Keishin and I had been trying so hard for this... But we can't even celebrate it because we don't even know if it's his. And we have to wait a hard 9 months to see... What will happen if the baby is the other alpha's...?

Ukai's POV

I was conflicted. I was happy that Ittetsu was pregnant. After years of trying, this was all he wanted. But he wanted to be pregnant with my baby. Thought I was happy he was finally going to get a baby, every fiber in my being was angry at the thought of it even possibly being another's. 

It wasn't Ittetsu's fault... I know this. It was that alpha, my husband was abused, but I'm still angry. My mind was trying to convince me that my own omega had gone and slept and gotten pregnant with another alpha's pup. 

If I think about it any longer, I'm afraid that I'll get angry and I don't know what I'll do. So, I got up quietly after giving my husband a small hug and telling him I needed to go out and think of this. He nodded and kept quiet as I left.

Takeda's POV

I sighed quietly when Keishin left. I was a bit scared about all of this, and... I could just... get rid of the baby and keep trying with Keishin. But what if I end up never getting pregnant again? This could be my only chance for having a baby of my own.. So, no matter who's it is, I can't get rid of it. 

I got up with a small sigh before going back to our bedroom. I don't know where keishin went, but without him here, it was just lonely. So, I made a nest of our blankets and curled up in it quietly. This baby was already causing such stress...

"....Don't worry. I promise that.. that whoever your father is... I'll still be here and love you." I said, laying both my hands onto my stomach. I was concerned how Keishin would react if the baby does end up being, well, not his..

Would his alpha instincts go mad and he'd try to kill the baby? It'd be the baby of a rival, and he'd naturally want it gone. He has a humane side, he knows it'd be wrong. But sometimes, our wild sides take the better of all of us.. 

It happened to an old friend of ours. He was an alpha and his omega had cheated on him. They tried to work it out together, but the alpha had gone insane and angry about it. He rampaged and ended up nearly killing his omega for mating with another alpha. 

I wasn't afraid that Keishin would hurt me. Even if he was angry, he wouldn't do that. But, I wasn't sure how his instincts would react to see the baby. If it truly came down to it, I would have to leave him. It'd have to be for the safety for my pup. I just hope that it will never have to come down to that. Ever. 

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