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  I woke up the next morning and got ready for my 9 am class. I had one at 9 and another at 11:30. They were each an hour and a half so that left me about an hour to do my homework between classes.

  I live in an apartment just five minutes from campus. I live alone, but my friends are always in and out so I'm not that lonely.

  After my classes I went to work which was just at a coffee place that everyone went to. It was basically in the middle of all of the colleges that were around here. So it was always filled with college kids.


"What are you doing after class?" My best friend Avery asked as sat down at the desk next to mine.

"I go to the coffee place and do my homework you know this already." I said and gave her a look.

"Oh yes that's right. Mind if I join? My mom is up my ass because I never do my homework so I figured I'd do what you do." She said quickly. She was always a pretty fast talker, it always kept us all entertained.

"As long as you let me focus and don't gossip the whole time." I said with a chuckle and took out my stuff that I'd need for class.

"Yeah yeah I know your policy." She said and waved me off.


  "So party at your house Thursday?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

  Avery was the gossip, that also liked to party. She also was the boy crazy one. Zoe was the sweet and sensitive one but Avery has kind of given her a party side that she likes to hide. She was shy unless she was with us and was super innocent. She was like my little sister in a way, all of ours actually. We were very protective of her. Then there's Kendall that was super studious and down to earth. Everyone loved her on campus, but she always has stuck with us.

  Oh and then there's me. I'm kind of a mixture of all of them. I have the side of me that likes gossip and likes to keep up with the drama. There's the side of me that is shy and sensitive, and then there's the party side of me, which rarely ever came out because I'd rather be responsible. I was like the mom friend really.

"I have work Thursday." I said and gave her a knowing look.

"Not all night. You get off at 8, that's the perfect time to have a party." She said and rolled her eyes at me.

"Can we keep it chill this weekend? Let's just have a Just Dance night and a couple of drinks." I said which made her groan.

"The boys hate Just Dance." She said.

"No, they claim to hate it but really they love it as much as we do." I said and got into my car after putting my stuff in the back seat.

"No one likes to play with you because you always win." She said and sat in the front seat.

"That's not true. You guys beat me all the time.  I just take things a lot more seriously than you guys do so that's how it looks." I said matter of factly.

"If you say so, but I think you cheat." She said and stuck her nose in the air.

"We have done many things to prove that I don't cheat." I scoffed and drove to the coffee shop.

  When we got to the coffee shop we brought all of our stuff in and sat at a table near the windows.

"What do you want, this time it's on me." I said and stood up from the table.

"The usuals fine. Want to split a muffin?" She asked and took out her pencil.

"Sure, chocolate chip?" I asked and she nodded her head. I walked over to the semi short line and waited behind a tall dark haired boy. I don't think he noticed I was there because when he turned around so abruptly he bumped into me.

"I'm sorry." I said and moved out of his way. I noticed it was the same boy I bumped into yesterday at the park with Noah. Except today he wasn't so bitter. He looked me up and down a couple times and smirked, probably at my nervousness. I was never good with boys, especially hot ones. I always got super awkward and nervous when they flirted with me or even just looked at me a certain way.

"No worries." He said and held his smirk as he walked away. He had a thick Australian accent like my other three friends. He must've moved here for college like they did, but I've never seen him before yesterday. So maybe he was new?

"Who was that?" Avery asked as I walked back to the table with our drinks and our muffin.

"I don't know." I said and shrugged my shoulders as I sat down.

"He's pretty cute, he also seems to think you are too by the look he was giving you." She said with a suggestive look.

"He's also intimidating and not for me. I bumped into him yesterday and he was pretty rude." I said and brought my cup to my lips and took a sip.

"Well that's a shame." She said with a sigh. She may be boy crazy, and have quite the experience, but she didn't take shit from anyone. She likes boys a lot, but if they were rude she immediately exiled them.

"It's always the pretty ones that are mean." I said and shook my head in disappointment.

"At least Cole isn't mean." She pointed out.

"Yeah that's true." I said and took out all of my homework.

  We did all of our homework while making small conversation every now and then. When it was time to get ready to go to our next class I drove us back. Unfortunately she wasn't in my next class, but my other friends were in there so it was fine.

"Whats the plan for this weekend?" Luke asked and swiftly sat down in the desk next to me.

"You know my plans for the weekend Luke." I said and gave him a look.

"Noah loves us come on, we haven't seen him in weeks." He said and dramatically placed his hands down on his desk.

"I miss my little man. Come on let's all go somewhere with him." Kendall said and sat down in the desk in front of me but turned around to face me.

"Alright fine, I'm sure he won't care he loves the attention you guys give him." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"What about this week? You get off at 8 why don't we do something?" Kendall said and pressed the eraser of her pencil to her chin.

"Avery suggested a party Thursday but then we agreed to play Just Dance and have some drinks." I said and rested my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Ooh yes yes yes I love it." She cheered excitedly.

"Alright we'll be there at 8, I'll tell the boys." Luke said and shut up as our class started.

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