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Let's fast forward *2 months later

Jayde POV
So all of our boyfriends made it official with us seven took me to the mall and took me on a shopping spree

  Xavier took Mia to ATL for two weeks

niy and Mari been together and Kiha and Brandon

I haven't got my period in 2 months so I took a pregnancy test


It was positive I was just crying thinking seven is going to leave me so I called my girls up

                             Thee addictions🤍(ft call)
Jayde:can y'all come rn

Kiha:I'm omw you okay?

Niy:yeah are you? -while grabbing her keys
Mia:here I come

                             Jayde:yeah I'm good just come okay
We all hung up

They all came in and I just showed them the pregnancy test all you hear is "YAY,YASS BITCH,PERIOD POOH"while they twerk

I said "y'all bitches" while laughing then Kiha said "oh yeah you okay" then they all hug me

"Yeah I'm fine" while whipping my tears

Niy said "so have you told seven"I responded "no I'm scared to what if he leaves"

Niy said "girl seven not like that he might be mean but he will be happy"

I responded "okay"so then we all just hung out then they left so I called seven over

                                    My world🙄✨❤️
Jayde:can you come over please

           Seven:okay I'm On my way Nigga

15 mins later he Here

I let him in he said "hey baby"while picking me up

I said "I have to tell you something" he said "what is it"as we set in my room this my room btw

 I said "I'm pregnant "he had a blunt look on his face I started crying giving him the pregnancy test

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I said "I'm pregnant "he had a blunt look on his face I started crying giving him the pregnancy test

Then he looked up at me and yelled "IM SO EXCITED YESS NIGGAS I GOT A BABY BITCH"

I said "so your not mad"he said "fuck no I'm gon be there for you and the little baby" while rubbing my stomach

sevens pov
My baby pregnant I was so happy yo so I called gang up and told them

Yoo she pregnant I said

Mari:yeahh gang I'm a uncle

Brandon:yes bro I'm spoiling the fuck outta the lil baby
Xavier:I'm the fun ass uncle little nigga bout to get a girl if it's a boy

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