Getting to know eachother🤍

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Brandon's POV
So I come out the house and I see this pretty ass light skin I just start smiling and said "hey" and she started smiling and said "hey" in a soft voice I said what's your name she said "Kiha" how about you she said "Brandon"I responded then her dad said "y'all seem to get along to well eyeing me"
we start laughing I said we going in the house she followed

I'm in my head like shi she fine asl so we in the living room and we decided to get to know each other

I Said "how old you is ma" she start blushing her ass off and said 18 how about you "HER SMILE SO FUCKING PRETYY I THOUGHT" but I responded 20 i was like "what's your number ma" she take my phone and put it in as we both smile.

She said "aww your smile"while pushing me I said what about it she said "it's just so nice"I said "thank you ma"

Her dad called her name saying they have to go she waved me bye but then I grabbed her hugging her mad tight -biting my lip at her- bye ma she blush then she left.

Then my dad got in the house saying "so you like her"

hell yeah smiling my ass off he was like oh so you have a little crush "man" I said agreeing and  laughing I dapped him up and said I'm out

I got in my car listening to love cycle by toosii rapping

"You got me stuck inside your love cycle, I read your love bible We give the hood guidance, we keep the hood smilin"

driving to my apartment then when I got home I texted Kiha.

Kiha POV
So I'm in my dad truck and he start looking at me I said "what sir rolling my neck" you like that boy don't you I responded NO with a huge smile on my face

he said "Unt unt lil girl" I said whatever so We pulled up in the driveway and I hugged my dad saying "thanks" he said "your welcome" and left so I get in my mom house she said little girl where you been with dad I responded she said oh okay giving me a hug .


So I get in my pretty ass room and took my shoes off

 so I checked my phone and got a text from Brandon                                        Brandon☺️Brandon:wassup ma                                     Kiha:hey lil boy😽Brandon:wyd ma Actually I'm gon ft you                                      ...

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so I checked my phone and got a text from Brandon
Brandon:wassup ma
                                     Kiha:hey lil boy😽
Brandon:wyd ma Actually I'm gon ft you
Hey Brandon I said smiling in the camera he said hey ma while smiling back

I wanna take you out tomorrow he said I was like "boy good mf day" he said"I'm so serious"with a smile I said Ight what time he said 3 be ready ma "I said Ight" and hung up

-So my sister and my two bestie came in my room we all in a friend group even my sister in it all 4 of us-

Jayde:hey bitch she scream I said hey hoe

Friends💖😽Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora