Chapter 2

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Mai's POV

I was restless the whole night because I wasn't ready to tell my office family about my past, at least not right now. I decided to get up early and get things packed for the case. I stumbled out of my bed and walked into the bathroom, I go into the shower and it took about 30 minutes teal I got out. Furthermore, I got dressed for the day and packed 3 weeks of clothes for the upcoming case. I grabbed a week more of clothes because I know in my heart this case wasn't going to be easy and would take more time. Not only that, but I looked at my watch before checking my bag to see if I forgetting anything. My watch read 5:30 AM. I walked out the door of my apartment to see that there honestly aren't a lot of people on the street at this time of the morning. I stood at the end of the sidewalk and watched the sunrise in the sky. I started to continue walking to the SPR building. Likewise, I get to the SPR building and see that it is so early that not even Lin or Naru are at the office. Furthermore, I sighed and rummaged in my purse to find my set of keys for the office. I find my keys and unlocked the front door. Likewise, I thought it would be a good idea to collect all the cameras as well as to put them in the living area of the office for Lin and me to put them into the van. After everything I had done the Lin, I thought this would be a good way to show Lin how sorry I was. Furthermore, I sit my suitcase and purse in my office before I could start collecting the cameras. I had been around an hour scents I started moving the cameras when I hear someone unlocking the office's front door. I turned my head to the entrance of the office to get a glimpse of who was here. Naru walked into the office, and it looked like he was shocked to see me. I waved my head as a greeting to him, but he just looked away at the cameras on the floor without a word. I didn't have the strength to fight with him today, so I just shuck it off. Not too long after Naru arrived everyone else slowly started to show up at the office. Everyone is counted for, so we hit the road to the airport. On the ride to the airport, I couldn't get comfortable. All I could do was worry about what if they found out the truth. There was no doubt that Naru and Lin would find out about my past and if they didn't accept me I would fall apart.

FNAF x GHOST HUNT حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن