Moonlight (PG-13)

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A/NSo I have no idea if you guys will like this or not, because this is so different for me and I don't know what to expect, lol. I hope it's okay though? I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know what you think, so I know whether or not to focus on writing more/improving! 


    I love the night sky. Especially on those clear nights when I'm sitting at my windowsill and staring up at the stars surrounding the moon, that is this bright beaming ball of glowing light and it looks so damn beautiful that I can't tear my eyes away and I end up sitting there until dawn.

    I love it even more when she's laying across the width of my bed with an open magazine and her laptop sitting idly beside her, with all her social media sites open in tab upon tab. Her long, wet hair tied back in a plait––courtesy of my nimble fingers after sharing a shower together––and the way it reveals the sharpness of her cheekbones, skin pale as the moonlight itself.

    And she looks so delicate, in her little pink pyjama shorts that read the words “I love sleep” in little love hearts, dotted along the material, accompanied with the baggy Mumford&Sons t-shirt that she was absolutely and completely in love with.

    I smiled without really meaning to, just as her eyes brushed up the length of the magazine page and landed directly on mine, with a subtle upturn of her rose-coloured lips. My smile widened, then grew a little shy as I felt the blush burning on my cheeks and I returned my gaze to the moon outside my window.

    I heard Holly's soft footfalls as she closed in on my position on the windowsill, she always seemed to walk with a slight dance to her steps. Almost as if it came naturally to her. She perched herself on the small space of windowsill that I wasn't occupying, as I'd hugged my knees up to my chest.

    “We've been together a year and you still get shy when I look at you,” she stated, there was humour in the softness of her voice. “What's up with that?”

    “Do you blame me?” I mumbled against the material of my pyjama trousers, tightening my arms around my knees. I was trying my hardest to hide from the intrigue in her green eyes. It was hard to believe I was in fact nineteen, instead of nine.

    “Anna,” she said, pursing her lips. She shuffled forward and her fingers danced their way up my shins, until they reached my wrists, gently prying them away from their latch on my legs. She jumped from the windowsill and encouraged me to follow her. Her fingers were so cold, like ice on my skin but I loved it.

    She guided me back until we reached my bed, duvet draped neatly over the top decorated with white and pink floral patterns. Holly released one of my wrists as she climbed onto the bed, her other still pulling me along. We knelt in front of each other in the middle of the mattress, just to the right of her laptop and open magazine.

    “Anna,” she said again, lower this time. Quieter.

    “Yes?” I asked, licking my lips and swallowing back my nerves. I forced myself to meet her gaze, to give her my undivided attention. She deserved it, because the moon couldn't touch her beauty and there was no use looking at that, when I had her right here in front of me. Touching me. Like ice on skin.

    “I love you,” she whispered and it was as if I could physically feel her words brushing over me and sending a shiver right down to my toes. My heart beat quickened and Holly smiled as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, and they weren't cold; they warmed me in ways I couldn't explain.

    “I love you,” I whispered back as she paused. In the next second I was lost to her need as her fingers glided through my wet hair and her lips returned, except there was more heat than before as her tongue met mine and I fell back, Holly landing on top of me with a silent laugh.

    It was a confusing sensation of warm and cold as her body moved against me, legs tangling with mine as we rolled around on the bed, hands pinning down hands and lips silencing mouths; icy fingertips making trails under t-shirts, along collar bones and the indents of ribs.

    And slowly, one by one, the t-shirts came off and the pyjama bottoms right after, until it was just myself and Holly in nothing but our underwear, smiling back at each other playfully. “See, you're never awkward with me when we're naked,”

    I laughed. “Stop making it weird, Holly,” I said, skimming the back of my fingers down the length of her arms, raising goosebumps on her skin. She bit her bottom lip, resting her forehead against mine.

    “You're the one that makes it weird,”

    “I just find it hard to believe, is all,” I murmured by her ear, fingernails trailing light patterns along the small of her back, encouraging her forward until I could feel our hips pressing flush against one another.

    “Find what hard to believe?”

    “That you're mine,” I said, slowly sliding her underwear down her thighs and I could tell she liked how it felt, as her breath grew shallow and shaky. Her leg came up to curl around my waist as she wrapped a hand around my neck and rolled onto her back, dragging me along with her.

    I shifted against her, eliciting a sharp gasp as she turned her face into the pillows. She wrapped her other leg around my waist and kept me hostage against her, lips coming back to mine as her fingers tangled themselves in my hair.

    She rocked beneath me, legs tightening on my waist. Her usually pale face was flushed with arousal. I slid my hands along her thighs as she relaxed, giving me room to move down the length of her body, leaving kisses on my way.

    I knew her better than I knew myself, yet learning each and every curve and the subtle dips of her body, committing them to memory, could never get tiresome or boring. I could do it for hours. Over and over again. There was always something new to discover.

    Like the way I could bring out those barely-there moans that scraped up her throat in the best kind of way and how if I touched her this way, her toes curled and her neck arched back and if I touched her that way, she was a breath away from a scream and she'd become a live furnace, heat emanating from her skin all over and her touch was no longer like ice on skin because I'd found a way to melt it all away.

    And at the end of it all, when her chest was rising and falling in rapid inhales and exhales, and her eyelashes were closed against her skin and her nose was flaring just slightly, trying to calm her racing heart down, she'd be in that state between hot and cold and it was a moment of pure light. Like I'd unlocked her secrets, and I understood everything about her. Everything that made her.

    Until those green eyes turned to look at me, with that little upturn of the lips, and I'd stop and think, no, there was so, so much more I didn't understand. There was still so much more to discover, and learn and fall in love with. And I intended to spend every minute I could, doing just that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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