Her face is now inches away from yours and you can already feel her breath, eagerly awaiting for the moment where the distance between the two of you is broken. Until her phone rings once again that is. Not an alarm this time, but a call and, from the special ringtone that you've heard many times before, you recognize immediately who it is.

"Pick up." You say, sighing loudly.

"It'll only take a minute, I promise." She tells you, pressing the green button on her phone screen and you roll your eyes at her. "What do you want, Moblit?"

"IF YOU DON'T GET TO THAT EXAM WITH 5 MINUTES TO SPARE I WILL LOSE MY SHIT!" The man on the other side of the call screams from the top of his lungs, so loudly that even you can hear him, even if her phone isn't on speaker.

"I already have an A+." She repeats, hands shuffling through her messy curls before she winks at you.

"Damn, and here I thought you cared about setting a good example for Y/N... but I guess I was wrong." He says while letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Hanji asks.

"I thought maybe seeing how you were doing well on your test would give Y/N enough confidence to ace hers, but I guess you just don't care." Moblit says before hanging up the phone.

Before the call even ends, Hanji is already across the room, "I've gotta go!"

As you watch from your window, you decide to yell something in support so she knows you've got her back, "GOOD LUCK, I LOVE YOU!"

She turns around and blows you several kisses even though she never stops running. When she leaves your line of sight, you can't help but laugh before looking down at your book once again. Sadness washes over you while you grab the pen you threw not too long ago and prepare yourself to be submerged once again by chemical reactions.

A few hours pass since Hanji's escape and your eyes have not gotten any rest. Around you, all you see are equations and the periodic table. Your stomach rumbles as you realize you haven't eaten since lunch the day before. It's been over 24 hours.

You open the drawer on your right, hoping to find several packages of cashews or raisins but sadly you can only find empty wrappers.

Frustration clouds your mind when you realize Hanji forgot to buy you some more after she was the one to eat them all. You close it shut and grunt in anger, sliding your hands up and down your face.

"Goddamnit, Hanji. You promised me you would get more snacks." You whisper while cursing her mentally.

The idea of going to the cafeteria and getting something to eat does cross your mind. but you can't afford to pause your studies for such a long period of time. So instead you simply choose to endure it, and vow to eat something in the morning.

You grab a bright yellow highlighter and restart your reading until you hear a loud bang coming from the stairs not too far away from your room.

For a second, you ask yourself what happened and if someone might be needing help, but decide not to intervene. That decision doesn't last long once you recognize the scream that came following the crash.

As you sprint out of your room, you find that every student that lives in your hall is peeking from their doors and bursting into laughter. The image before you is one you never thought you would witness in a million years.

Moblit with his ass on the floor while noodles drip down his hand onto his arm and pants. A few tears form in his eyes as he tries to get up and you can tell how much pain he's in.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now