Chapter 2

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Mya's P.O.V.

It's been about a month since uncle Sammy had joined dad and I. Uncle Sammy hasn't been having any luck with trying to find out who killed his girlfriend, Jessica. We are also still trying to find grandpa, so things have been a little tough. All we've been doing is following all the small clues he's left for us in his note book.

Right now we were sitting in another old hotel room, in another random city, trying to figure out what to do next. Dad and uncle Sammy were sitting at the table doing some work while I was sitting on one of the beds eating a snack and watching cartoons on the tv. "Sam, these coordinates are for Black Water Ridge, Colorado. There might be something there" I heard dad say quietly "should we go?" Uncle Sammy asked "I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea, dad might be there" dad replied, a bit of hope lingering in his voice. They figured out a plan and then we were on the road again, this time heading to Black Water Ridge, Colorado.

We had finally arrived in Colorado about two days later. We saw that there was a girl and a boy putting up missing flyers for another guy, we realized that it was for their brother. We went over to the sheriffs office and asked a few questions about the people who were putting up the missing flyers. "His sister Hailey thinks that he's gone missing. When ever people go out to camp in these woods, they sign a paper that states they day they left and the day they'll be back. They aren't supposed to be back until the end of the week, so that doesn't really make them missing, does it?" the sheriff told us as he sat back down at his desk. Dad and uncle Sam talked to the sheriff for a few more minutes before we left. "I think we should go over to this Haley girls house and ask her a few questions, see if there's more to the story" dad told Uncle Sammy as we got back into the car. "But Dean, you heard the guy. They're not supposed to be back until the end of the week" uncle Sammy said "I know, but I just want to check out to make sure, something doesn't seem right" dad said before starting the car.

The next day we pulled up behind Hailey, her brother and the park ranger. "You seriously brought your kid here?" The ranger asked dad like he was stupid "I couldn't find a babysitter" dad told him with a bit of attitude. Truth be told, dad never got a babysitter, he always brought me with him everywhere he went. We started walking into the woods and just before night fall we found the camp site where Hailey's brother was staying. "Looks like a grizzly" dad said looking around "Tommy?! Tommy?!" Hailey started to yell "shh! There still might be something out there" I told her. We looked around a bit to see if we could find anything, we couldn't find much so we got a fire going. As we were sitting around the fire dad pulled out a snack for me from his backpack "thanks daddy" I smiled as I took it from his hands "you're welcome princess, now stay here while I go and talk to your uncle" he said as he ruffled my hair.

Once dad was done talking with uncle Sammy they both came back to where we were sitting around the fire.

All of a sudden we heard a bunch of noises coming from the woods "daddy?" I say as I grab onto his side "stay here" he said as he sat me down and stood up. All of a sudden we heard a bunch of noise running around us, Roy started shooting his gun, hitting the monster once making it squeal "I got it!" Roy yelled just as he started to chase it. "Roy! No!" Uncle Sammy yelled "stay here" dad pointed to me before following uncle Sammy and Roy into the woods, I sat down next to the fire to try and stay warm. A few minutes later dad and uncle Sammy came back, but Roy wasn't there. "Whatever's out there must have got him" dad said as he sat down beside me, putting his arm over me to try and keep me warm "we'll have to go out in the morning to see if we can find anything else" he added, making all of us nod our heads.

The next morning we went out to check what was going on. A little while after starting, I was walking next to Uncle Sam when we heard dad and Hailey yell "Dean?! Hailey?!" Uncle Sammy and Ben yelled. Uncle Sammy picked me up and started to run in the direction where we heard dad and Hailey scream, after running for a minute we couldn't find them. Uncle Sammy put me down on the ground beside him as he looked around "what are we going to do?" Ben asked in a panicked tone "uncle Sammy, look" I said as I walked over and pointed to an M&M on the ground, we looked around a little bit more and saw a trail of more M&Ms "this is better then bread crumbs" uncle Sammy laughed. We started following the trail of dads M&Ms and stopped when they did at the opening of an old mine. "Ok Mya, I need you to stay really close to Ben and I, alright?" Uncle Sammy asked as we walked towards the opening of the mine "ok uncle Sammy" I whispered. We walked through the mine quietly, looking for dad and Hailey. A few seconds later we came upon them, tired up and bloodied. "Daddy" I said as I rushed over to him "hey baby" he whispered as I hugged his legs "uncle Sammy, help get him down" I stated as I looked back at him. Uncle Sammy came over to the both of us and took out his knife to cut the rope that was holding dads hands together around one of the old support beams. Ben did the exact same thing with Hailey's hands, we focused on them for a minute before we heard someone else start coughing, we looked behind us and we saw Hailey and Ben's brother tied up.

They ran over to him and got him down. We were all focused on what was happening in front of us that we didn't realize that the Wendigo came back to its layer.

Dad picked me up and then we all started running towards the exit when we got stuck at a dead end. Dad put me down on the ground and looked at uncle Sammy "keep her safe, I'll be back in a minute" he said before running back in the other direction. Uncle Sammy picked me up "ok, come on guys. Let's go" he said and lead us towards the exit again.

As we were going towards the exit the Wendigo found us and started chasing us "hey!" Dad yelled from behind it, the Wendigo turned to look at him just as he looked at dad, dad shot the flair gun at him. Causing it to die.

Eventually we made our way back to where there were a lot of people. Uncle Sammy brought me over to the car and placed me on the hood "are you ok?" He asked, checking me over to make sure I wasn't hurt "yeah" I whispered before I looked towards dad who was talking with Hailey near a cop car. Eventually dad made his way over to uncle Sammy and I, he picked me up and gave me a hug "are you ok princess?" He asked, pulling away from the hug and putting me back down on the hood of the car "yeah, I'm fine" I told him.

We made our way back to the hotel, dad helped my brush my hair and my teeth before I laid down in the bed I was going to share with dad that night. "Goodnight daddy, goodnight uncle Sammy" I said quietly as I drifted off to sleep

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm so, so sorry that it took so long for me to update. I've just been really busy with work and with life. So I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please don't forget to like, comment and share)

(A/N: I thought I'd come back and edit this chapter a little bit)

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