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His mom smiled and handed him the drink, he said, "Can you change her clothes though? I Don't think she's waking up anytime soon"She nodded

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His mom smiled and handed him the drink, he said, "Can you change her clothes though? I Don't think she's waking up anytime soon"
She nodded.

He sat beside her and made her drink the tea, "see y/n if you throw up, you're a pig"
"Hyunsukie..",  Yedam laughed.

When he was about to go out, she said, "Jennie, stop, it hurts" His mom's eyes widened.

He went towards her and saw her holding her elbow, he looked at his mom. She avoided eye contact, "mom? Really?"
"Yes Yedam, I've seen through my own eyes" He sighed.

He came in after getting changed, his mom changed y/n's clothes as well. He said, "mom, are you staying here tonight?"
"Your dad might need me at night-"
"How about I go to dad?"
"You stay here instead?"
"Ugh, no mom she's tiring to handle"
"Then let her be, she won't wake up anyways"
"Okay, I'll stay then"

"Yedam.." He woke up by hearing y/n calling his name.
"Yes? What is it? It's like 3 right now"
"My head is aching"
"Who told you to drink so much?"
"Why are you here?"
"Because I knew you would wake up like this and trouble others"
"Don't say his name, he's-"
"Yedam, then"
"What are you trying to do?"
"The pain is bad"

"Should I go wake mom up?"
"No, just give me a painkiller from my drawer"

He went towards her drawer and took out a page, "what're these childish things doing with you y/n?"
"Just give me what I asked for"
"Hey, don't be rude, I was so nice to you today"
"Sorry, but faster"

He gave her the medicine. She tried to sleep holding her head tightly.

"Should I?"
She nodded and he started patting her head.
"What about your sleep?"
"You could give back to me when I'll be at my worst"
"I wish that never happens"
She removed his hand and placed it down.

"You can sleep"
"Do you remember anything?"
"I don't want to try remembering, it's hurting"
"I'll keep patting till you fall asleep then?"
She nodded.

Ms. Bang entered the room along with Mr. Hwang, they both were both surprised and smiling at the view. Ms. Bang captured a picture and they went out.

Y/n woke up, Yedam was all over her. She sighed out of her headache and moved Yedam.

He wasn't ready to wake up. She started removing his hand and legs one by one.

"You're heavier," She said.

She tried her best but there was no escape. She somehow grabbed her phone and texted Lisa, "I'm not coming today"
"All well?"
"Playing an escape game"
"You guys come here after school"
"Sure xoxo"

"Yedam see, Jennie!"
"Jennie?" He sat down fixing his hair.

Y/n started laughing, he fell on the bed again.
She moved him away and said, "brother, you have school"
"Brother? You don't remember anything?"
"Nothing, I'll go to my room"

"You aren't ready for school yet?" He stopped and asked.
"I'm not going"
"Me too then"
"Too tired." She nodded.

Mr. Hwang said, "y/n you're too troublesome for Yedam"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drink that much"

"It's okay dad, I guess you should make her drink often"
"What? What do you mean?"
"She smiles too much while drunk, you'll all enjoy"
Everyone except y/n started laughing.

"Y/n here, drink this," Ms. Bang said.
"Ew, it won't taste good"
"You drank it yesterday as well"

"Mom, that's because I said if she doesn't drink it she's a pig"
"See y/n, his words still prevail," His mom said.

Y/n sighed and drank it. The doorbell rang, Jennie came in.

Jennie greeted everyone and said, "I see, you're fine. Too poor y/n we missed the kiss"
"The kiss?"
"Yes, your brother brought you home before you could kiss Jake"
"Why was I kissing Jake?"

"A dare," Yedam said. Her dad smiled knowing he got her out on time.

Yedam took Jennie to his room, but after some noises, Jennie came out alone, she looked angry, she screamed, "it's all because of you y/n, you can't see people together! Others happiness hurts you so much because you never found happiness yourself!"

Mr. Hwang said, "Enough. Miss Kim, out of my house right now"

Y/n went to Yedam's room to see him sobbing. She sighed and didn't know what to do, Ms.Bang pushed her in and said, "talk"

Y/n sat beside him. He cleaned his tears, "does your head hurt right now?" He asked.
"Not anymore"
"What do you want then?"

"Yedam, are you okay?" He shook his head and tears started falling down.
She hugged him and he said, "she said, she never liked me, she said-"
She kept running her fingers through his hair.

He stopped crying in some time and closed his eyes.

She said, "who initiated it?"
"I did"
"Because she was rude to you"
"Oh Yedam why did you sent someone you love so much away"
"Because of someone I-"
"Okay, if you initiated it, you shouldn't cry" She pulled away.

He nodded and asked, "can you draw for me?"
"Is this what 'I owe you'?"
"Okay, this is"
"Wow, so easy"

She brought the equipment and started drawing something, Yedam looked at her hoping she might remember what happened yesterday.

She drew a swan and said, "here"
"It looks good"
"Your music is the inspiration"
"But it should be black so let's color it, bring the colors"

Thank you for checking out the story, have a good day!

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Thank you for checking out the story, have a good day!

Thank you all for sticking around till now.


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