Jackie shrugged. "The lad was hungry and food sounded good. Who else knows that we hide the book at the Sheriff's station?"

"No one. Why?"

"Someone changed it," Henry told her. "There's a new story in it."

"Why would someone add a new story?"

"To tell something we need to know about the curse."

"And what would that be?"

"I don't know. The story isn't finished."

"Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story, and then not bother finishing it?"

"That's what's weird. The story's about Pinocchio. Everyone knows how that ends."

"Well, maybe that's why it was left out."

"Or, maybe, there's more to it," Jackie said.

"Henry, you're going to be late for school. Let's go."

Jackie glanced at Emma. "Whatever shenanigans you're about to do, I want no part of. I have a job to do. Good luck, Swan."

Emma waved. "Thanks. Good luck, Jackie."

Jackie waved back and left. She made her way to her bar to do what she needed.


Geppetto and Pinocchio were on a makeshift raft/sailboat in the middle of the ocean. They were in the middle of a violent storm and were being chased by a whale. They were struggling to stay aboard.

"Hold on, my boy!" Geppetto cried.

"I'm trying, father!" Pinocchio said. "Faster, father! Faster! He's catching up!"

"The current! It's too strong! Don't let go!"

"What is it?

"We must abandon ship. Take this. This is the only one." Geppetto handed Pinocchio a life preserver.

"No, father. I'm made of wood. I'll float. We can both survive."

"No. We don't risk."

"Whoa! No, father! You take it! Save yourself!" The whale approached the raft, prepared to swallow them. Pinocchio threw himself off the raft and into the water.



Geppetto woke up on the shore, alone, holding onto the life preserver. The raft had been smashed to pieces and was scattered along the shoreline.

"Pinocchio?" Geppetto called. "Pinocchio? You saved me... Oh, where are you? Oh, where are you?" He saw Pinocchio a few feet away. However, he was not moving and appeared to have turned back into a puppet. Geppetto rushed over and gathered Pinocchio in his arms. "Oh, no. No.... I wish I could've saved you, my boy."

The Blue Fairy appeared and said, "We still can."

"Please. Save him." Pinocchio was consumed by a blue light, then was magically transformed into a human boy by the Blue Fairy.

"Father?" Pinocchio called.

"Pinocchio. Look."

"I'm a... A real boy. I'm a real boy!"

"Thank you. I don't know how I can ever repay you. Th... This is all I... I ever wanted."

"You and Pinocchio have found each other," the Blue Fairy told him. "Now, go. Live your life together as a family."

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