"Well that, I can help you with." He pulled out an empty vial and dipped it in the water. When he took it out, the water in the vial turned a cloudy white.

"That'll do it?"

"Not yet. No two loves are exactly alike. We must make this personal." Rumpelstiltskin pulled out a strand of Snow White's hair and added it to the solution.

"So, if I drink that, I'll no longer love him."

"The next time you see the object of your grief, you won't even remember who he is."

"Won't remember him?"

"Love is the most powerful magic. The cure must be extreme."

"'Extreme' sounds like an understatement."

"Don't doubt yourself now, dearie. Love makes us sick, haunts our dreams, destroys our days. Love has killed more than any disease. This cure is a gift."

"What's your price?"

"These'll do." He held up a leftover strand of her hair.

"What do you need of my hair?"

"What do you need of it now? It's been plucked from your head. Do we have a deal?" Snow White took the potion from his hand. "I thought so. Drink it in good health, Snow White."


Mary Margaret went shopping and bumped into Kathryn. Regina was in the same aisle.

"I'm so sorry!" Mary Margaret exclaimed.

Kathryn smiled. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"I wasn't looking."

"Clearly," Regina said.

"Oh, is this yours?" Kathryn handed Mary Margaret a chocolate bar.

"Um, yes, thank you. Um, this must..." Mary Margaret picked up a pregnancy test and handed it to Kathryn. "Good luck."

"Thank you." She walked away, leaving Regina and Mary Margaret alone.

"I trust you'll be discrete?" Regina questioned. "Their lives are their business -- not yours."


At King George's castle, Prince Charming looked out over the balcony while music was heard in the background. King George entered the room with a box in hand.

"James," King George called.

"How goes the feast?" Prince Charming asked.

"Your absence is felt. It is, after all, in your honor. I thought this might rouse you from your chamber." He pulled the lid off of the box, revealing a crown.

"You could feed the kingdom for an entire winter with that crown."

"It's a gift – from King Midas. For you to wear as you marry his daughter. Once that is done, our new prosperity will allow us to feed the kingdom for all eternity. Show some enthusiasm."

"Enthusiasm wasn't part of the deal. The wedding's in two days. I've honored your wishes."

"But I want your heart – not just your honor."

"My heart shall belong to Abigail."

"You think I'm a fool, don't you? Your heart can't belong to Abigail when it's held by another woman. And don't deny it. I know that look. Who is she?"

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