Chapter 11

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I cannot wait until we are done with this mission. Thankfully, we are getting close. The boys have managed to connect the principal and vice principal with the money irregularities. It's enough to put them behind bars for a bit, but we still don't understand how they are connected to the drug, how the drug is created, or how it is distributed. I know Owen, Kota, and Luke met about something to do with sneaking into McCoy's or Hendrick's homes if need be. I worry about them getting caught, but so far they seem highly skilled at what they do.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as another car pulls into the school parking lot. Tonight is parent teacher conferences. As the role models we are supposed to be, we have to help out. I've been standing outside since school ended with Silas and Kota. We've been directing parents to where they need to go and handing them some welcome packets.

It seems a bit excessive to me, but thankfully the guys are taking care of talking to everyone. I've gotten better but strangers still make me balk. Owen and Sean are going between rooms checking in with the teachers. Everyone else is scattered about the school except for Victor and Luke. I think Luke is being a sneaky sneak, but I'm not sure. Victor is looking at the cameras from Owen and Sean's office.

So far everything has been going smoothly, but we are all on edge. McCoy and Hendricks have been acting weird as of late. They have been quieter and have kept their distance from the pack instead of antagonizing us like they used to do. Kota mentioned he thought it was the calm before the storm. Pressure from my bladder draws my attention. I huff and walk over to Kota.

"I need to run to the bathroom real fast," I tell him. He nods and looks over to Silas or at least where Silas was. The gentle giant is now trying to usher two more sets of families into the school. Kota turns to me, but just as he does another car pulls up. He curses under his breath.

"Right to the bathroom and back," he orders. I nod my understanding. "Link me immediately if anything happens or anyone stops you."

"I will," I promise. I turn and head into the school. Fortunately, a pair of restrooms sit just inside the first hallway. Various people mill about the halls here and there. I hear the murmur of conversations floating throughout the halls.

I don't pass anyone on my way to the bathroom. I do my business quickly and head back out. Freezing, I stumble back to avoid walking right into a large body. Glancing up, I cringe. McCoy. He sneers down at me.

"No manners at all," he scoffs brushing off his shirt like I somehow dirtied him. I mumble an apology and try to go around him, but he steps in my way. I reach out to Kota as I take another step back trying to put distance between the two of us. He just takes a step forward though.

Kota, McCoy stopped me outside of the bathroom. His reply is almost instant.

Try to get away, but we are on our way. Feeling reassured that my pack is on the way, I straighten and face down the creep in front of me.

"I knew you were trouble," McCoy continues glaring at me. "I'll need you to come with me to the office." He motions for me to move, but I stay where I am at.

"Why?" I ask forcing the word out. I don't like talking to this man.

"Doesn't matter, let's go," he commands reaching forward and grabbing my arm harshly. The pain of his grip causes my eyes to burn. I know that I can rip my arm out of his grip, but I don't want to draw attention to myself like that. Thankfully, he has only dragged me a couple of feet when Kota and Silas turn the corner.

"Sang," Kota calls approaching us rapidly. "There you are! We were looking for you."

You okay, ten?

Yeah, but he smells. I answer him honestly. The smell of the human man was making my nose twitch. He quickly masks the amusement I can see, and turns to glare at McCoy.

"I think Mr. Blackbourne was looking for you Mr. McCoy," Kota informs him. He glances down at where McCoy still has a hold of my arm glaring even harder before turning his icy glare back on the man. "We need to be heading back to the front entrance. If you would be so kind as to unhand Sang."

The words are polite, but they are delivered with a coldness that even makes me shiver. McCoy glares back but finally relents, and walks away huffing. We turn and head back to the front entrance. Silas and Kota place me between them making me feel protected. We have just made it back to the doors when they open. Three people step into the school. Hearing, a feminine gasp I look up at them and panic sends my heart races.

Marie. Dad. Step-Mother.

"Sang," Marie rasps out her eyes glistening. "I knew it was you." She takes a step forward and instantly Kota and Silas move in front of me.

"You just won't die," my step-mother sneers. Her words are like a knife piercing my heart. She glares at me and I am back at that house. I'm helpless, defenseless again. My dad doesn't say anything. He doesn't react at all. I'm insignificant to him, just like always.

"Mother, you didn't!" Marie exclaims looking back at the woman. It did make me feel better that Marie hadn't known. I don't have good memories of her, but I don't have bad ones either. At least not as bad as with Her.

"I did what needed to be done. Don't question me, Marie." She moves forward slightly as she talks and Marie flinches back. It's not a big move, but it still catches my attention. It also catches Kota and Silas's attention. They are tense, but they relax slightly when a warm presence appears behind me. I glance back and also relax slightly. Even as terror rushes through my veins, I know Owen can handle this. He's Alpha after all.

Owen steps forward walking towards my old family. Sean, Nathan, and North stay with me. With Kota and Silas I'm surrounded on all sides. I feel safe with my pack around me, and it helps to dim the fear a bit.

"I can escort you to the conferences," Owen states ushering them down the hall. My step-mother complains sending me sharp glares, but my father just takes her arm and makes her walk with them. Marie walks slower, her sad eyes finding me. I can see the tears there that she is holding back.

Once they are a little ways away the others move. Sean is in front of me almost immediately. He places a comfortingly hand on my cheek and stares me down.

"Breathe, Pookie. I need you to breathe for me," Sean says in a warm but firm voice. I look at him confused, until I realize I'm breathing very fast, too fast. I try and push the panic down and breathe with him. He never lets go of me throughout the process. Once the panic passes exhaustion washes over me. I lean heavily into his hand. He smiles sadly at me.

"I think you should head home and rest," he says looking at the guys.

"I'll take her," North states looking at me concerned.

"Yo, fuckers, oy!" Gabriel's voice is loud as he runs up to us. "What the fuck is happening? Where are they? I want to kick their ass." I can't help but laugh and it feels good to laugh. Nathan places a hand on his shoulder and steers him to the side to fill him in.

"I'll go with them," Silas says. They each grab on of my hands and lead me out to the cars. I appreciate their warmth and closeness. I barely remember buckling my seatbelt before the darkness takes me. 

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