Chapter 6

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Unfortunately, the uniforms became unavoidable. Owen tried to push back on the request, but the more he pushed the more the principals became enraged. It was nothing he couldn't handle, but it was unnecessary when we needed to be somewhat in their good graces in order to get the evidence we needed.

We got fitted over the weekend and unfortunately were all dressed and ready to go on Monday. We attracted a lot of attention. White button up shirts, khaki pants, and navy blazers for the guys. I, on the other hand, got a white button up and matching navy skirt and blazer.

The moment we walked through the doors of the school all eyes were on us. The boys made sure to stick close to me especially because of all of the new attention. Whistles and glares followed me throughout the halls. One boy tried to flip my skirt up, but North stopped him and Kota dragged him away. I didn't see him again.

As the days passed, though, attention slowly waned. Everyone got used to the new uniforms, even us. I was glad I could have a skirt. I still didn't really like pants. Once Friday had arrived, I was ready for the weekend. School was exhausting.

"What should we do this weekend?" Luke asks me as we walk into the school. I shrug.

"Come on, Trouble. You have to be thinking of something," Gabriel teases. I roll my eyes. Gabriel taught me that one.

"I'm tired, maybe movies?" I ask hoping they will agree. I love doing things with the pack, but I honestly just wanted to crawl into some blankets and watch a marathon of Scooby Doo.

"I think that sounds perfect," Silas states before anyone else can speak. He smiles warmly at me and I return it ignoring the little flutter my heart does. It's been doing that more and more recently around the guys. Maybe, I should talk to Sean about it.

We walk to class and everything passes as normal. I hear more whispers about this fall thing, but I can't make out what it actually is. That apprehensive feeling returns in full force. I mention it to Kota at lunch and he assures me that they all are aware and will be alert for anything.

During biology nature calls and I get the pass for the bathroom. I try not to go during class because I don't like being separated from the boys. But sometimes you just got to go. I start walking back to class when a strong odor invades my nose and large hand clamps down on my wrist. I twist around immediately coming face to face with Greg.

"Hey, Sing Song," he drawls. "It's hard getting close to you with all those bodyguards."

"Let go," I bite out pushing my wolf down. She wants to take a bite out of him, scare him off once and for all. He ignores my warning and tightens his grip making me wince.

"I think you'll want to hear what I got to say about glasses." Confusion twists through me before I realize what he is saying.

"Kota?" I question slowly my anger building.

"Yeah, him," he answers smugly. "He's been chosen and I didn't think you would want to miss it."

"Chosen for what?" There is a pause between each of my words as I push them through my clenched teeth. If he notices my anger he does nothing to indicate it.

"Friday Fall of course. It's an honor really." He starts to pull me forward and I got with him. I could pull my wrist free, but I need to see what they've done to Kota. He pulls me up to the second floor of the school and towards the balcony. Once we turn the corner I freeze at the scene in front of me.

Three guys are hauling Kota towards the railing. Two others are standing nearby laughing. Kota fights against them, but even with his enhanced strength three against one is too much.

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