Part 8 - The Slug Club || Quidditch

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Narrator's POV

The next day, after Potions class, Professor Slughorn called Y/n to stay for a word.

"I know it's only your second day in my class," he said in a low voice, "but you are an outstanding student and I would like you to join my Slug Club."

Y/n nodded joyfully, happy that she would have stuff to do after school. Slughorn clapped his hands, "Great! I'll send you an Owl about the information to our next meeting."

Y/n nodded again, "Thank you Professor!" and she headed out, leaving the Professor very satisfied and happy.


Y/n had heard that there would be Slytherin quidditch tryouts after dinner and decided to go. There were a multitude of people there when she arrived, and they were already trying out for chasers. Some of the people there actually flew pretty well. Others... had potential. Y/n watched for a long time, waiting for the place she wanted to take. (A/n: I did a random pick and it chose seeker, so that's why Y/n's gonna try out for that)

Y/n and a few other eager students get ready to tryout, one at a time. When it was finally Y/n's turn, she'd clearly beat the rest of the Slytherins to the place on the team. She looked at them smugly and went away when tryouts were finished to go to Astronomy, in a very ecstatic mood.

Y/n made her way to the top of the tower early, finding that Tom was already there.

"You seem very happy," he observed.

"Of course I'm happy! I just got onto the quidditch team and got offered to be in the Slug Club!"

"And what did you get?"

"I got seeker, and I said yes to the invitation. What did you think?"

Tom shrugged, not seeming interested, but little did Y/n know that Tom was fighting himself really hard to keep the excitement of seeing her more often away from his mind. He wasn't supposed to be thinking like this. He just wasn't supposed to.

Y/n was also having an internal battle with herself about Tom. She fell for his charm like any other girl, but unlike the others, she hid the feelings, pushed them down, and tried to stay clam around him, but she couldn't suppress her beating heart. She'd never felt this way before. Tom was the reason Y/n feels this way. Tom was the reason all her plans were messed up. Tom was the reason that she couldn't focus at night. Tom was precisely that reason. Y/n's reasoning to everything on her agenda going wrong.


A/n: Ugh... I feel like I'm getting writer's block. I stayed up 'till like 5am last night and can't think straight. But hope you enjoyed! And thanks for reading all the way here!~ Cherri

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