Part 7 - The Free Hour

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A/n: If my spelling is off, it's because I'm American. My computer doesn't like the letter 's'. It likes the letter 'z'. Just blame my computer if you have to criticize my spelling.



Dinner was amazing. We had one more hour until curfew, so I decided to head out to the courtyard with a quill, my diary and my guitar. Once I found a bench in the courtyard, I summoned some light so I could see.

I scribbled some stuff in my diary and then unzipped the case and enchanted the guitar to tune itself. I started playing the first song that came to my head, singing (play the song up there and pretend it's just Y/n singing and the guitar).

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound-"

That's all I got to when a group of three Gryffindor girls made their way through the small cluster of students that I hadn't noticed gathered around me to hear my music. The middle girl, a blondie that looked at me with disgust, she looked like the leader.

"What do you think you're doing, newbie?"

"I was singing, but now I'm talking to you," I replied, arrogantly.

She pulled a face, "No I mean what are you doing, talking to Tom all day long?"

I looked at her, "Um, I met him on the train," which wasn't the truth, nor a lie, "and I was his partner in Potions. And I happen to be in the same year and house as him," I continued, ignoring the fact that we were the center of attention. I really wanted to embarrass her in front of everyone, now, for talking to me like that.


Tom's POV

Like everyone else, I was drawn to the source of music. It stopped when I got to the courtyard and I heard talking instead.

"I've been trying to get close to Tom ever since I set my eyes on him," a Gryffindor girl snarled at Lysander as she packed her stuff up, she was evidently the person playing the music, "and a newbie comes and ruins my relationship with him."

Lysander snickered, "As far a I know, you were in the same Potions and History of Magic class as him, and I have never seen you even muster the courage to even say 'Hello' to him, when you passed him in the halls," she started to leave the girl, pausing for a moment. Then she said, "And I thought you were a Gryffindor." I snickered. Lysander nodded at me as she passed me and yelled over her shoulder as everyone else chuckled at the blonde girl, "Curfew starts in five minutes! I would get to your common rooms if I were you!" ...and she caused a lot of commotion, but that was the best humiliation I've ever seen someone give to a Gryffindor, and that's saying something.

I headed back to the common room and went to my dorm I share with other fourth year Slytherins. They all looked at me expectantly, because I had the 'I just saw something amazing' look on my face, so I had to tell them, which we had a good time out of. I'm looking forward to tomorrow now.

No, Tom. No thinking about her anymore.

My brain didn't listen, as I dreamt of that Lysander girl (but of course I wouldn't remember it anyways).


A/n: Hoped you enjoyed! Here's another Part for all you lovely readers!
Love you,

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