Part 6 - Monday Classes

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Y/n's POV

DADA. Defense Against the Dark Arts. With the Hufflepuffs.

Tom is in my class. All the girls were starting at him. Holy crap. How do you ever feel comfortable like that?? On the other hand, most of the boys were staring at me, so I sort of know how that feels.

The Professor came in and the first thing she said was, "Does anyone in here know what a Boggart is and what it does?"

I noticed that only a few students raised their hands; a couple Hufflepuffs, me, Tom, and another Slytherin who I don't know yet. Professor Hunt was somewhat disappointed that not many of us knew. She picked Tom, obviously a teacher's pet, who calmly replied, "A boggart is a creature that turns into someone's greatest fear. No one knows what a boggart looks like, because it immediately assumes form when it meets its target, and it's defeated by laughter."

The Professor smiled, "Ten points to Slytherin for a perfect answer." Tom smirked. I kept on pushing a weird sensation in my stomach down, trying to focus on the lesson. "Now children," Hunt said, "there is a simple charm to repel a boggart. It is Riddikulus. Repeat after me. Riddikulus." The class repeated. "Good, good! We will practice on a real boggart. It's in this cabinet," she said, gesturing to it, "Form a line behind Miss Parry, and everyone will think of their greatest fear. Then you must think of making the fear something funny to you and cast the spell. You first, Miss Parry."

(A/n: I'm not creative, so here comes the Boggart and the dementor... please no hate for my (un)originality.)

I stood in the back, a few people in front of Tom, who was last, and watched the boggart turn into a bunch of stuff. A few spiders, a mummy, a creepy looking clown, a snake, and a few other things, then it was my turn. 

The boggart turned into something truly horrifying, literally making the room cold and drawing a gasp from everyone. A dementor. I froze for a moment and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the screams in my head. I opened my eyes and yelled, "RIDDIKULUS!" at the top of my lungs. The room turned warm, the dementor's cloak turned pink with yellow flowers on it and it had a binkie in its mouth.

Everyone burst out laughing. I even caught Tom smiling, not that I care, of course. After two more people, the bell rang and we hurried out to lunch.


Tom's POV
(A/n: Because I feel bad for not adding in anything other than Y/n's POV for awhile)

After lunch, the next period was my favorite class, Potions. It was sort of sad that we had to do it with the Gryffindors, though. I saw Lysander drag behind a little, not knowing where to go. I had to fight the urge to not turn back to help her. Malfoy followed me to meet Avery at the dungeons.

"That dementor with a binkie in its mouth was absolutely hilarious!" Abraxas said, relishing the moment of pure joy.

I rolled my eyes. Yes, Y/n turning the dementor funny was really amusing, I'd have to admit. but Ugh, when can I stop thinking about that Lysander girl? It's getting really annoying with my thoughts only on her.

We got into the classroom and sat down. Lysander get in just as the bell rang, panting. She frantically looked around for an empty seat, and so was my luck that the only seat open was the one next to me. She sat down without looking at me, I mean, most girls would be delighted and start talking to me, I'm not complaining thought. Those girls are annoying.

Professor Slughorn entered, "Welcome back to Potions class, students," he said cheerfully, "I hope you had done your homework and know what a Camaraderie Concoction is. Who can tell me what that is?"

A few hands less than expected went up, including mine and the girl's, next to me. Slughorn looked around and spotted us two and he obviously was having a mental fight with himself. I was a favorite, and she was new. He looked at me apologetically and called Lysander to answer. It sort of pissed me off, but she, like I said, was a new student.

Lysander smirked at me and answered, like it was the easiest thing in the world, and how could no one else know, "The Camaraderie Concoction is a potion that causes the drinker to feel feelings of friendliness."

"Excellent! Ten points to Slytherin!" This made the girl sitting beside me very smug, "We will be making a Camaraderie Concoction today in class. You will be working with your neighboring person," I looked at Lysander. guess She'll be my partner for the rest of the year, "You should be able to finish a potion in this period. The group with that finished the fastest with a perfect potion will receive ten points each for their house. Your textbooks have the instructions. You may begin."

I started flicking through the book, but Lysander stopped me, "I already know this. No need for the book. I'll get the ingredients and bring them back." I looked at her bewildered, as she transfigured the book into a basket and was first to the ingredients.

She came back with three vials of water,  four drams of dried Nettles, four snake Fangs that we would have to crush, one fluid ounce of raindrops gathered from a rose petal, 12 crushed daisies, one fluid ounce of Fluxweed  that we would have to coarsely chop, ten Cruppie Hairs, three drops of condensed Kneazle Breath, and half a fluid ounce of Passion Fruit Juice. How in the world would can she remember all that?? She looked at my still bewildered face, "If you want the points, you have to listen to me."

I nodded, "Um, okay. What if you're wrong?"

"I won't be wrong. Now shut up and listen to me while I crush the Fangs."

Okay, Miss Bossy.

"Pour all the water in the cauldron, over a small fire, and wait for the steam."

When the steam started to rise, she said, "Drop a Nettle in, stir clockwise once, drop a crushed Fang in, stir clockwise once, until there are no more Fangs on the table."

I did as she told and we were surprisingly going along pretty quickly.


To my pleasure, we finished at least 20 minutes before anyone else, receiving 20 points for Slytherin and a lot of compliments.

"So, Lysander, how did you remember all that stuff without the book?"

"I have a really good memory," she said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "Tell me the truth."

She shot me a look, "I have something called photographic memory, which means that I have pictures of stuff in my head, which means I can look at a really clear picture as if it were right in front of me."

I nodded, and we started some small talk before the class ended.


It turns out that we were going to the same class, so we headed to History of Magic together. Professor Binns was already there and we started.

(A/n: Imma skip this cos this is probably boring)


Y/n stretched and yawned as she trudges with me, Malfoy and Avery to dinner.


A/n: Thanks for reading! Here was a fairly long Part. Hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment so I don't feel alone!
Stay safe!
~ Cherri

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