Part 3 - Tom Riddle || The Train

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Y/n's POV


I looked up into emerald green eyes. Wow...

Then, I snapped to my senses. No staring, Y/n, I scolded myself. "Uhm.. Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," I mumbled, but loud enough to hear, looking at his pale face, pushing myself away from his body.

The boy seemed unfazed at what happened. "It's fine," he replies, in an even voice.

"Well, still, sorry. I'm Y/n. Y/n Lysander," I stuck my hand out to shake.

He took my hand. Damn, his hand is cold. "I'm Tom. Tom Marvolo Riddle. I see you take a liking to the Dark Arts." He nodded at the book I'd just put back.

"Uh. Yeah. I've been interested in every subject, rather that just the Dark Arts."

He nodded curtly and turned around, "See you later, Lysander."

"Uhuh. Okay. See you Riddle," I uncertainly replied.


Tom's POV

I kept on thinking about that girl from an hour ago. The one that ran into me. She had long, h/c hair, and intelligent blue eyes.

Tom, what in the world are you thinking about?! No. Do NOT think about her...
But I'm looking forward to seeing her on the train.
Only if she'll be on it...


Narrator's POV

Y/n headed to King's Cross Station with her mum (dad was at work again).

"So I have to do WHAT?!?!" Y/n exclaims in disbelief.

"You have to run into the barrier in between platforms 9 and 10, to get to platform 9 and 3/4," Her mother explains again.

"Won't the muggles notice?"

"No.  They haven't noticed for, well, forever."

"Uh. Okay. Here goes."


Y/n's POV

I did as mum told and ran into the wall. Like literally into the wall. Like through it. I went through it. I looked at the wall that looked solid behind me. Wow. I can't believe I actually did that.

The view in front of me with more astonishing. A fully functioning platform with a scarlet steam engine. It was beautiful. Mum and I came early, so once we put my luggage away , it was easy to find a seat. I'd left both the cages at home, and with Shadow in my arms, I found an empty compartment near the back of the train.

The train would be leaving in a few hours. It wouldn't hurt to take a rest...


Tom's POV

I was looking for her. The girl. Lysander. That's what she was named.

"Tom," I heard a voice, "Tom."

"What?" I snapped, "What do you want, Avery?"

"What in the world are you looking for? There were at least a hundred empty compartments up front."

Abraxas slapped the boy that was talking, "Can't you see he's looking for someone?" he hissed, "Or at least looking for a compartment in the back?"

I stopped. There she was. Sleeping. With a black cat in her arms. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. Snap out of it, Tom. I opened the compartment door.

"Tom, there's already someone here."

"Avery shut up, or I will hex you."

"Yeah Avery, shut up. Tom was apparently looking for the girl," Abraxas said, telling Avery, like it was obvious.

"You too, Malfoy," I rolled my eyes. What a headache these two could be. I went in and sat next to the girl, opposite to the two irritating boys.


It'd been a few minutes, about five, maybe, since we sat down. The black cat opened its eyes and hissed at us. Y/n opened her eyes a bit.

"Shush, Shadow. Let me sleep."


"I'm aware of the people okay? Let me sleep," she repeated

The cat glared at us, and meowed again. *MEOW.*


Wow. What an outburst. Talking to the cat too. I'm intrigued.

"Mm. Hullo to you too, Lysander."

She nodded at me and watched the cat jump to the floor. Her eyes wandered to Avery and Malfoy.

"Tom, how do you know he-" Abraxas started.

"I ran into him at Flourish and Blotts," Y/n replied, smoothly cutting the Platinum-dummy off. "By  the way, I'm Y/n Lysander."


Y/n's POV

"I'm Abraxas Malfoy," the platinum haired boy said, "and this git," he added, knocking the Blonde in the back of the head, "is Avery."

"Nice to meet you," I said, in a monotone voice.

"Wow. Cold," the boy named Avery faked a shiver. I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't seen you around. What's your year? What's your house?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I'm going into 4th year. I don't have a house yet."

The two boys opposite stared at me in disbelief. I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm transferring from Beauxbatons. The overly-elegant place with a bunch of nasty girls and boys that only want you for looks and money, then there're the sort of kind ones, but let's not talk about that," I replied, surveying them, "Let me guess. You're 4th year Slytherin?"

Judging from the stares I received, I got it correct.

"Wh- Ho-" Avery stuttered.

I shrugged, "You look thirteen-fourteenish. Oh, and I see a green tie hanging out of your pocket," You pointed at his pocket which did have a green tie sticking out of it. Abraxas sniggered.

Tom looked up from his diary, I think it was, and asked, "What house do you want to be in?"

"Slytherin," I said, almost immediately.

"Is it because I'm in it?" he asked, smirking.

"You wish," I returned the smirk and simply replied, "Slytherin's not as nasty as it sounds."


Narrator's POV

Y/n and the boys spent the rest of the way chatting about their lives.

The train came slowly to a stop and everyone hurried out.

A/n: Makin' up some stuffs here.

"First years! Over here!" a gruff voice called out, "First years!"

Y/n looked at Tom, slightly confused on where to go.

"You should go with them. You'll be sorted as well."

Y/n nods and heads off in that direction.


A/n: Hello everyone that's reading my story! I love that y'all are reading this. I'll try to update often. Please give me some feedback, and if you don't remember, please comment the quidditch position you'd like Y/n to play!
Cherri out! ♥

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