The next day came and went like a ghost. Nothing much happened other than studying and lots of gifts and presents from mum. I don't why she was doing this, but I didn't want to over think the matter so I just left it.

However on Wednesday, something really odd happened.

It was about midday, mum was at work and I was left home alone sneezing my nose off.

I was sat in my bed, with my thick blanket wrapped tightly around my feverish body. The clock on my wall read 12:30 .

Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. After taking me a couple of seconds to gain enough strength to actually lift my weight off the bed, I walked towards the window to look out to see who was there. My eyes came across a bicycle dumped on the pathway that lead to my front door. One wheel was still spinning, as if it had been dropped eagerly.

When I reached downstairs, I was pretty hesitant to open the door. But I did it anyways.

As soon as my eyes met the person at the door, a feeling of total regret of doing so, rushed into me.

For a long couple of seconds we were just staring at each other, neither of us knowing the other was about to do. Well, I knew what I was about to do. I swung the doors shut right in his face. Before leaning back on the door to catch my breath. My heart was beating so fast I lost count. I felt myself slip down on my bottom as beads of sweat rolled down my temples.

''Malorie?'' He whispered behind the door.

Well, that's what it sounded like to me, It was as if everything had become mute as memories of that night rushed back into my head. I'm so stupid to think that I could forget everything about him in the course of three days.

''Malorie?'' he called once more.

I didn't reply, I couldn't. I just laid down on the door mat as my breathing grew faster , it wasn't as if I was scared, I just didn't know. I was so convinced that that night would erase itself from my memory, but I guess not.  

I stayed silent for what I think was a couple of minutes. Eventually I couldn't hear anything from outside, it looked as if he'd gone. 

Just as I opened the front door to check if the bicycle was still there, someone pushed me back inside, and shut the door behind them

At this point I wanted to scream, I wanted to scream so loud that mum would be able to hear me from wherever the hell she was and come and hold me and rescue me and tell me that its going to be okay, like she'd done all my life.

But I couldn't, whenever I'd open my mouth, nothing would come out, I'd just end up shutting it again.

By now I knew who it was. He held onto my waist in attempt to grab me, but I pushed him straight off. I felt myself begin to shake as I backed away from him.

''Malorie, I...''

As soon as he'd said my name, I began to cry silent sobs. Every time he edged closer to me, I'd cry a little louder and he'd stop in his tracks.

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Where stories live. Discover now