Prologue: The Legend of East and West

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(Hello everyone! It is so nice to see everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! So, similar to that of The Scattering Legends, this story is going to be much shorter since I wrote it by hand first. I will not change anything expect for grammar. So, I hope you enjoy!)

                In the land of Asiand, there lived a cruel, ruthless king. The king had mercilessly killed 

many people to claim land. He then gathered wives from these places and made love to them. 

However, the wives didn't approve of their king's behavior, but they could do nothing. Each of 

the wives gave birth to a child, but the first male child will inherit the throne. However, three 

children were born. The first child was male and the second was female. The third child was 

male. The king was pleased with his except one of his wives protested this. She decided to curse 

the third child to murder the first child when a pair of west twins arrive. Her son would rule 

Asiand, but the first child heard this and reported this to his own mother. His mother couldn't 

change the spell entirely, but she could alter the curse. The twins would help the second child 

claim her throne. As a result of the spell, there was a price to pay. The mothers to the children 

and the king were locked in a room. The room was soon on fire and they died. The first male 

became king at the age of eight. At the age of thirty, he opened the country to trading with other 

countries. He knew the curse was coming soon and he was prepared to protect his siblings from 

any harm. He hopes they will be safe. 

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