The Old and The New: Chapter Five

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After three long, dreadful, grueling weeks into Luke’s punishment, the band was given a long weekend off back home in London, which was also to include a quick charity concert, before they were to return to The States. 

Luke had spent the majority of the flight with a Math textbook, Zayn sitting across from him and helping him struggle through page after page of homework he’d put off, instead choosing to distract Amanda during their lessons with tidbits and stories of Niall. It’d worked in some ways, because it did save him from eight hours of tutoring each day, but it also meant he was quite far behind, something he was sure his Dad and Louis would find slightly unacceptable, given his current situation. 

Although, despite still technically being punished, for the most part things had returned to the abnormal normality that surrounded the One Direction Family. Luke and Liam resumed their Saturday Night Live view parties on Saturday Nights, and the food eating competitions with Niall resumed, and Zayn resumed constantly recommending new books to him, and Louis was breathing down his neck about each of his decisions and then taking him out for ice cream to try to make up for being the strict parent, and Harry was Harry.  

Slightly unsure about each fatherly move he made, but still making them.  


And then there was the life Luke only remained connected to through the use of his phone and laptop, and late night and early morning conversations with Freddy and Abby, who had just recently gotten back from the ski trip Luke had so desperately wanted to attend. Abby had the decency to say it wasn’t all that great, in one of their many, many, conversation, but a call from Freddy who had described the whole trip as “The funnest shit he’d ever had” had ruined that charade. 

But Luke still made the effort to keep up with his relationships back home, while balancing them on top of the mess life with One Direction could cause. He was looking forward though to a weekend at home, in his own bed, with his own TV and own food.  

He was quite excited for a relaxing weekend at home, though, he should’ve known that wasn’t in store. 

Their plane had touched ground at 11:00 British time, and by 11:35, Louis had already pitched his plan, while in the car with Luke and Harry. 

“Luke,” he said casually, staring down at his mobile phone and skimming through emails, while Luke texted furiously on his own mobile, “Since we’re home for the weekend, what do you say about inviting Abby down for the concert and dinner with us?” 

Luke’s head flew up from his phone, eyes wide and mouth ajar, face consorted with repulse and fear at the idea of having his girlfriend over.  

“I-uh, I don’t think she can,” he said weakly, turning frantically to Harry who rolled his eyes and snorted, continuing to text on his own phone, “School policy?” 

Louis laughed and waved the issue off with a flick of his hand,”I’m sure I can have a chat with her parents, encourage the idea-” 

Luke began to look a bit ill, staring dumbfounded at Louis, as if he was proposing the third World War. 

“I just don’t-” 

“Luke,” Harry interrupted, still not looking up from his mobile, “Louis has been planning this since we found out about her three weeks ago. Trust me when I say I speak from experience, once he has his mind set, it’s set. Best let it go.” 

Luke groaned loudly and turned back to his phone, staring down at his conversation with Abby. He bit his lip and nervously typed out a new message. 

[How would you like to meet my family?] 


It took Louis no more than half an hour on the phone, charming Abby’s parents who were currently in Switzerland for a conference, to convince them to let Abby stay with them for the weekend.

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