More CPUs and Promises Kept.

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???: You bet, chu. Maybe it's the reward for when a old hag like you does something nice for a change.

???: ...Rat. If you want that tiny heart to continue beating, you will stop calling me that.

???: I only speak the truth. Old? Check. Hag? Yeah, check. I should be asking you to stop calling me a rat, chu.

Warechu: I already have a adorable name, and that is...Warechu!

???: Heh, heh, heh. Don't make me laugh. Using your logic, what's so wrong with calling a rat, a rat?

Warechu: Hey, hey, hey! A slick laugh like that is reserved for the mouse world's!

Pantheon: *Amused Chuckles*

Neptune: A mouse and a old lady comedy team? Huh. I feel like I've seen that little rat-thing before.

Noire: You know them?

Neptune: I...think so? My memory is more fuzzy than that rodent.

Neptune: I get the same brain-tingle from the old lady, too. Like she's been slapped on my heart's Akashic record.

Noire: So do you know them, or not? Wait, they're holding the...!

Plutia: *huff, huff* Stop leaving me behind... Hmm? Ooh, is that a rat? It's so adorable...!

Noire: Grr! I won't let them have it!

Pantheon: *Puts his cane aside and Ignites two purple lightsabers*

Neptune: Huh? Noire, what's up? Hey, wait!

Plutia: Mister Raaaat! Squeaky, squeaky!

Noire: You!

Neptune: Wait, girl! Wait!

Warechu: Huh?

???: Who the hell are you?

Noire: It doesn't matter. Give me what you're holding. Now!

Neptune: Noire, why so serious? Chill.

Noire: They have two CPU Memories.

Neptune: Oh, okay. Wait, what?!

Warechu: I don't know what's happening right now, but it sounds like you're also after these, chu.

Noire: I'll say it only once more. Hand them over peacefully. Now.

Neptune: Whoa, Noire. That was totally something a villain would say. I better join this parade!

Neptune: Yeah, hand 'em over, scumbags! Everything will be peachy if you do what she says. Otherwise...!

???: What a noisy bunch of brats. Wait. You. Are you...Neptune?

Neptune: Huh? How the heck do you know my name, lady? Have I already become famous over in this world...?

???: Why? Though I've never met you, I knew with a single glance... You are the one person I hate the most in all of Gameindustri!

Neptune: Uh, okay. I'd prefer if you didn't fall head-over-heels for me in such a wacky love-hate way.

???: Rat. Take these and go. I'll eliminate these twerps.

Warechu: Huh? You cool with that, chu?

Noire: You'll fight us alone?

???: Of course. You should be honored.

Arfoire: You will be sent to your graves by none other than Arfoire, one of the Seven Sages!

Pantheon: No I will grant you a Warriors death.

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