" You'll know when times comes. You are here for this fruit, so focus on that." Damain said to Ryan. He was leaning on Lilith and his head was on her shoulder.

Lilith had took his one hand in hers and she was totally immersed in auction. It was a whole new experience for her.

 Auctioneer stated uses of Golden-blue fruit and then proceeded to announce its bid.

" As this item is very expensive and one vampire needs only one fruit for his advancement, we've decided to call out separate bids for each fruit. Starting price for this fruit is one thousand five hundred diamonds..!" Auctioneer called out for bids.

" One thousand six hundred DIAMONDS..!" Ryan was too excited to call out this bid.

" One thousand nine hundred." Next person directly added three hundred diamonds. 

Ryan gritted his teeth's. Leo was only sitting beside him. He don't need to do anything, as Ryan was too excited to do it.

" Two thousand DIAMONDS.." Every time calling for bid,  Ryan pressed on the word 'Diamond', so Damain and Lilith started to laugh at him.

" Two thousand & two hundred. " Someone again called out for bid. Ryan and Leo's faces turned serious. Leo started to lose his faith in winning this bid.

" Two thousand three hundred DIAMONDS.." Ryan felt like he was hanging on a sharp cliff and just one wrong step was enough to fall for death. ( Of course in this example, he is human, not vampire.)

Ryan and Leo started to get nervous. Only one bid and their game was over.

" Anyone wants to increase bid? Don't think too much..! Some diamonds are nothing in comparison of becoming forth leveled vampire..!" Auctioneer tried to get more bids.

" Two thousand five hundred." Vampire who was in middle of auditorium, called out this bid and Ryan shouted,  "Fuck...! Now it's out of budget!"

As all vampires were able to hear him, many of them started to laugh. Ryan and Leo, both started to feel very embarrass. 

" You still have 2 opportunities, don't worry." Lilith tried to console him.

" It's of no use. Almost 80% times bid gets bigger than previous one." It was the reality of vampire auction houses. There was too little chance to win after this.

" Don't lose your courage." Damain offered him a cup of tea.

" Brother, help us..!" Ryan urged him. 

" Help in what? Focus on bids." Damain filled other three cups and started to drink tea after giving Lilith and Leo one.

That bid ended at two thousand nine hundred diamonds and next one at three thousand one hundred.

" We are over here, damm! There is no way last bid will be any less than previous two." Ryan's optimism ended here and he came to reality.

" Two thousand four hundred DIAMONDS." Ryan called out his bid. After that, he had no chance to do it again. As he expected, another person offered even more price.

" Two thousand six hundred." One vampire in front row called out for this bid.

Leo was feeling very upset. After getting big hope, it turned into big disappointment. Ryan was also too sad for him. He really wanted to help his friend. For that, he even took out his all money. But it was still not enough.

Damain looked at them and signed. He already expected this result. In his eyes, Leo was very naïve who trusted peoples words too easily and Ryan was excited over things that were out of his reach and he himself was like their parent who was busy in controlling them.

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