Chapter 11 Identity Theft Part One

Start from the beginning

       She left a little boy to die alone in the street and nothing was going to happen to her. In fact she was living a pretty lavish and wild lifestyle. She did not work or go to school. She did a lot of partying in night clubs and had a lot of one night stands. She seem to burn through her friends pretty quickly making new ones and dumping the old ones like dirty socks. I learned what I could from the ex friends, neighbors, and people at the coffee shop where she got her morning Latte. She was a snob, a bad tipper, and a bad friend. When I had learned all I could from them I broke in and snooped around. Years of snooping the rooms at the Packhouse made me efficient and I found out a lot of information.

        It seems that her mother didn't know who Angie's father was and couldn't be bothered to find out, so she raised her on her own. Her mother did pretty well for herself but worked long hours doing some kind of pharmaceutical job and was gone a lot. Angie had actually been in a boarding school for a while when her mother passed away leaving her two nice cars, a house, a fat bank account, and a big life insurance policy. After she finish her senior year with okay grades, proving she was capable of doing something more with her life then what she was currently doing, she moved home and has been partying ever since. 

       She's even still driving the same car she killed the boy with. She wasn't at his funeral, I know because I went to his funeral and saw his mother, father, and little sister all crying. I briefly met them and told them what I saw and did. I think they were comforted to know I held their son when he died and that he was not alone. I told them how I saw him working hard on his tricks that morning. Clearly I am more affected by what happened then she is.

       After that I Googled what was supposed to happen to people that did a hit-and-run and it looks like about five years in jail and a felony. Also a major financial hit with lawyers, lots of embarrassment with your name in the paper, and court dates. It seems law enforcement dropped the ball in this instance so I'm going to take matters into my own hands with the biggest prank of my life.  

       So one Monday morning when I knew she was going to be gone out of town for a week at a resort I stole a moving truck. Turns out they don't let 15-year-old girls rent vehicles but I'll give it back full of gas and I will leave the rental money on the seat! I was able to hire the movers over the phone and they were willing to accept cash payment. I called and had a dumpster delivered to the house on that Monday afternoon too, they accepted the pre-paid visa credit card. I had the movers meet me at Angie's house and we loaded the truck pretty quickly.

       I kept all the important documents. I set aside all the family pictures and anything that looked sentimental. I had two of the movers meet me at a thrift store and they helped me unload the entire truck into the donation center. Then I drove it back to the house again and refilled it again went to a different thrift store this time.

       By then the movers thought I was fun, especially Bob, and road with me even though I think they suspected I was underage. They kept going on and on about how cool a girl I was for working so hard and how tough I was carrying heavy stuff and I was really trying to hold back my Wolf strength in front of them!

       They even offered me a job! I surprised them with pizza and drinks before they left, let them take everything from the fridge and freezer they wanted, let them keep anything they wanted from what I was donating, and gave them a nice tip! I pulled Bob aside and ask him to do me a little favor. He said sure and patted my head. I explained it to him and gave him another tip, he offered me a job again, "Anytime,' he said, 'any time you want it, it's yours!" He left muttering about the daughter he never had. Then I drove the truck back to where I stole it from with a full tank of gas, cash payment on the seat, and a note that said, 'Sorry for the inconvenience'. 

       Then the cleaners met me at the house Tuesday morning and we cleaned it from top to bottom, they happily accepted cash and pizza as well. They also offered me a job! I had the dumpster picked up Wednesday morning. The painters came right after. I had picked Joanna Gaine's colors for the whole house, I love, 'Fixer Upper!' We made quick work of it. That evening I had a man come change all the locks including the garage door remote. 

       I went to the DMV with Angie's Birth Certificate and Social Security card and told them that I lost my drivers license and they helped me get a new one right away. 

       Then I met the realtor at the house and I offered him a big cash incentive if he could sell it before Friday. He said if the price was low enough he could move it that quickly but was I really willing to take a hit on the sale price of the house? Yes, yes I was. 

       I took a quick road trip to the resort the real Angie was staying at and broke in to her hotel room and went through all of her stuff to make sure she didn't have any other form of identification. Then I followed her for a while, when I found a good spot I put up the hood up my hoodie, slipped on a pair of sunglasses, jogged by and grabbed her purse right off her shoulder on the street.

       Then I went back to the DMV again and told them about my exciting new move and brought some papers I 'borrowed' from the accountants office that I doctored a little to make it look like I moved into one of our rental houses.

       I went to the bank, closed out all her accounts and walked out with the cash. Brought her other car to a used car dealership and sold it on the spot. Called and canceled all of her credit cards. Went to another bank and opened a new bank account in my new human name. Angie Samson. Put all the money that I had collected so far in that account and got some checks.  

       The house sold Thursday afternoon and I signed the papers showing them my new drivers license as ID on Friday morning. The Realtor was really happy with the sale and said that was the fastest he has ever see a house sell. Less then 24 hours! I had the money from the sale of the house deposited into my new bank account. 

       I contacted Liam's dad, Mr. Martinez and asked him to meet me at a coffee shop and explained all that I was doing. He was really concerned and wanted me to stop, said it was not necessary, and he was worried about my safety, and he did not want me to get in trouble. But I told him I was definitely going through with it. I show him the box of sentimental stuff I collected and ask what he wants to do with it. We work out a plan that he will hold on to it for the real Angie and hope that someday she can come to them for closure and forgiveness and he will give it back to her.

       Then I wrote him a check for the remaining balance on his mortgage. He insisted that it was not necessary but I told him that Liam seemed like the kind of kid that would have liked to help his parents out like that when he was older, because he could not now, I would. My Wolf really liked this part! Helping out the grieving family. Then I wrote out two more checks, one to cover the funeral and one to help with Liam's sister's college fund. Mr. Martinez had tears in his eyes as he hugged me good bye and said I was Liam's Angel. But if I really had been I would have been able to stop him from getting killed in the first place.

       Now it's Friday night and I'm waiting for her at her old house. I set up three video cameras both inside and outside the house. I got them from a Pawnshop to capture the event and I will probably sell them back when I am done. This is a big prank. But it's also a serious prank I saw her face when she looked back at the dying boy and I watched her for two weeks after. People make mistakes but they should at least be sorry and she wasn't sorry before but now she will be. 

       I am dressed up kind of like a reporter for this prank. A dark blue dress skirt with brighter blue matching blazer, a white shirt, plain nude heels, and a chunky blue neckless. Six PM she finally shows up and I am standing on the porch trying too look like I just got here too.

       As she walks up she says, "What are you doing here?" As she tries to unlock the door but there is a new door knob so her key is not working.

"I am hear for Liam Martinez." I say. 

A.N. The powers that be, the little man behind the algorithm curtain unfortunately can't read your mind. Please don't let my book be buried in obscurity. Click the little star!

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