I Don't Know French But I Do Know You (Scott X ANY)

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A little backstory for you, my loves. (also, do you guys mind the name or do you want me to call you something else? I don't mind stopping if the majority asks me to.)You're both in high school, and you got to go on a trip to France with your french class. Scott and you have been best friends since you met via french class. 

This starts with you in the common room of a hostel. (Cool places, hostels. I've been to a couple. They have good food.)

Enjoy! (Please!)

A pair of hands settled of your shoulders, but you didn't mind. You knew it was your best friend, Scott Lang.He always greeted you like that. "Hey Scott. I take it you finished the worksheet?" His laugh filled the empty room. "Nope! I may be good with tech, but french is like a whole other universe. Did you finish?"

Scott jumped over the couch you were on and sat beside you while you nodded. "I wish I took spanish instead. I mean, sure, this trip is cool and all, but I really don't know what possessed me to sign up for this class," he said as you pulled your legs up and sat indian style. "Hey, we wouldn't have met if you took spanish," you said, playfully punching his arm.

"True enough." With a cute grin the boy fell into your crossed legs, both of you grunting on impact. He shifted to get more comfortable. As he did, you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. Being the great best friend you were, you decided to tease him about it.

You looked around to make sure you really were alone, then gave Scott a mischievous smirk. Confused, he tilted his head. "Uh, Y/N? What are you looking at me like tha- Ack!" He yelped, rolling off the couch with your arms and legs around him. With a laugh, you landed on top of him. You trapped his hips between your knees, and had a hand on each side of his head. "Scott, you're looking a bit red there. Ya okay buddy?" He blinked rapidly, then copied your smirk. "You tell me, Y/N. You're the one that pinned me, not the other way around. Got a secret to share?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Why do you ask?" You whispered softly in his ear, ignoring the heat rush in your cheeks and proud when his became a very dark red. "I know you want to say something." Scott flipped you so he was on top, gently squeezing your waist with his knees. He slid his hands forward to rest on his forearms, his face sporting the most smug grin you'd ever seen.

His nose tapped your own. "I don't ask. I take." Sure enough, he took your breath away when his eyes closed and his lips pressed against yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back, your hands lifting from the floor to his shoulders. He licked your bottom lip, but before you could respond to the action, a feminine throat cleared. 

"Scott Lang! Y/N L/N! We are here to study French culture, not the lips of our peers! To your rooms!" The two of you got up, mumbling apologies, but there was no hiding the smiles you shared. For the rest of the trip, you had chaperones. And you weren't allowed to be in the same room alone.

On the last night, after everyone had fallen asleep, the two of you snuck onto the roof. Scott handed you an Orangina, (I would commit murder for those things. They are my absolute favorite foreign drink.) which you shared. You watched the stars, and even saw a shooting star. "Make a wish," Scott whispered. Eyes closed and hands clasped, you did so, smiling to yourself.

"What'd you wish for?" He asked. The stars reflected in his brown eyes, making him 100x cuter. "I wished to get to stay this happy forever. You?"

"Well, you're not supposed to say, or it doesn't come true-" You punched him in the arm, making him laugh- "But I'll try my best to make yours a reality." He smiled and tapped his lips. "I'll give you a hint about mine..." You smiled back, leaning in. He met you halfway, kissing you softly. "Did it come true?" You asked. 

Scott kissed you again, holding this one a little longer. "Oh yeah."

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