I Have A Secret To Share (ALL X GENDERFLUID)

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Tony: Tony looked confused when you told him, and had you explain it. Once you did, he offered you his sandwich and stood up. "What kind of reaction is this?" You asked. "Hurry up and finish eating. We're buying you more clothes." 

Steve: Steve asked you to explain it so he could write it in his journal, then gave you some old hoodies. "I'll support you no matter what, Y/N."

Bucky: "That's cool. You need any clothes?" You shook your head. "No, just a haircut." He grabbed his car keys and smiled at you. "We can get one together then."

Peter Q: "Is that like a species?" "No, it's a gender identity. It means sometimes my pronounds change." "Oh. Cool." Peter smiled crookedly. "Let's go steal you some shit."

Natasha: She grinned at you. "I could tell. You change clothes a lot." Nat helps you put on makeup, regardless of your pronouns, because she knows everyone can rock the look.

Sam: He'd looked up from where he was tinkering with Redwing and smiled at you. "I have a friend like you. I got your back, Y/N."

Loki: "So am I, love," he purred. "No need to be nervous about it." You couldn't remember a single time he'd kissed you so good.

Peter P: "Really? That's so cool!" The teen hugged you with a grin, kissing your cheek. "I totally support you, Y/N. Wow, this is so cool!"

Clint: Clint smiled at you, then disappeared. All your anxiety faded when he came back 2 hours later with a bunch of shopping bags full of clothes and shoes for every pronoun, and more bags of makeup. 

Wanda: She was a little confused at first, but supported. She even made a guy spill his coffee in his lap once because she heard him insult you. "Wanda!" "He called you a faggot!"

Pietro: The speedster opened a google search tab and read 6 websites of information before you'd even finished the last syllable of genderfluid. He picked you up and kissed you. "Let's go out to eat!" "Why?" "I'm hungry. And because that was the bravest thing I've ever seen, my love."

Wade: When you told him, he just hugged you around the waist and kissed your neck. "Suites you, mi amore. You know I still love every sexy-ass inch of you."

NIck Fury: "Interesting. Do you need me to do anything?" "Just support me." "Of course. You are my whole world, after all."

Dr.Strange: He may have been a man of science, but it felt like he loved you even more after you told him. Anyone who dare insult you or call you a slur in his presence was immediately sent to the nearest dumpster via portal.

Scott: "So... does this mean I can't call you my husband/wife anymore?" "The word spouse is a thing, y'know." "Oh yeah. I love you, babe."

Peggy Carter: "Hm. I guess I'm not a lesbian/straight anymore. That's fine. I'll still love you forever, dear."

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