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The following morning, as the sun rays pierced through Jenny's eyelids, Celia opened the drapes.

"Up! Lazybones, you're going to be late for school,"

Jenny buried her face in the pillow, murmuring nothings of discomfort. She reached for another pillow and covered her head with it.

"Get up now!"

Out of reluctance, Jenny got up and showered; for the first time, Jenny wore make-up, strawberry lip-gloss and, eyeliner.

Strutted down the stairs, her aunt saw the change in her looks.

"Never realized you wear make-up or even own any kind," Celia said.

Jenny sat and served herself a short stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs; "Haha very funny aunt" she feigned a laugh.

"It's a boy, isn't it?"

Jenny groaned, "aunt, stop... It's just lip-gloss,"

She finished her breakfast and left for school. On her way to school; on the school bus, Jenny had her headphone. Glancing through the window, something caught Jenny's eye.

A black cat. Jenny didn't fully grasp why she felt it was a message or a warning; the aura just changed.

The black cat was staring directly at her. In a blink of an eye, the cat vanished.

Jenny became uneasy. She googled what a black cat symbolized. She read in an article that it meant bad luck, a jinx.

After several minutes of obsessing over it; Jenny had to wave the thought from her mind.

Slade sat two seats away from her now. They exchanged smiles and pleasant gestures. It was math class. One of Jenny's favorite.

During the class, Jenny got tucked away again; she saw herself in a hospital, Ginger on a gurney surged into an operating room. Her mother crying.

She saw doctors operating on her, a surgeon said, "We lost her..."

Jenny took in a sharp breath; sweating, it was as if she saw a ghost, "Are you ok Jenny?" the teacher asked.

Everyone in the classroom started laughing; "Weirdo..." someone in the classroom murmured.

Slade tapped Jenny on her shoulder, "Babe, are you okay?"

Jenny nodded nervously; she had another vision, Ginger was in grave danger.

After class, Jenny ditched school, she knew they could suspend her for doing that or worse, expelled but she didn't care. Jenny feared for Ginger's life.

The only person who can help her was her aunt. Jenny barged in, Celia wasn't expecting to see her.

"What are you doing here; Jen?"

Jenny threw herself on the couch, staring blankly; "Aunt..."

Celia got disturbed, "What is it? What happened?"

Jenny couldn't bring her words together. Her eyes welled up with tears.

"Aunt... Ginger is going to die, and it's because of me,"

Jenny narrated her vision to Celia. "What makes you assume you did that to her?" Celia asked.

"Aunt... It was me, I was so angry and at that moment, something happened to her, I'm sure it was my doing..."

Celia paused for a moment, sat on the couch; moments after, she stood up and paced around the living room.

"Aunt, what is it?! What can we do to save her? I know she's mean and I kind of hate her but I don't want her to die," Jenny said crying.

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