Chapter 9: Magical emergency.

Start from the beginning

-Max pov-

At this moment...i had the moment of remembrance...i..i could actually help lemmy! "Stand back...i got this." I say, as i stand over lemmy who was whimpering. "Max..? What are you doing?" Mike asked me who was confused. "Doing the one thing i remember reading, but was never allowed to say it verbally unless in a dire emergency." I answer as I saw mike was really confused as i held my right hand in front of him. I have only met lemmy for over a day now, and i don't want to ever see him in pain!

-Mike pov-

I've never seen max act like this before...a moment ago, he's understandably grossed out, but now? Just what has he been hiding from me?

-Kamek pov-

What is max doing? Humans as far as i know, cannot cast spells! But since bowser is here, i will wait and see...and could this be mike i have heard about? Hm..not often i see a pokemon around here.

-Ludwig pov-

Does max really think he can help lemmy? Hm..i would think he's crazy, but he sounded serious about whatever he's about to do. I shall see what he can do.

-Larry pov-

I'm about to puke from seeing lemmy's leg looking like that...but i'm more curious about what max is thinking...everyone knows you need a wand to do spells...

-Wendy pov-

Poor lemmy...he may be small, but even he doesn't deserve that! It's so GROSS to look at a broken leg! But i couldn't help but wonder what max is trying to pull, and watch out of curiosity.

-Iggy pov-

I hope max knows what he's doing...we should've called for an ambulance or get a wand to heal him by now!

-Morton pov-

This isn't the first time lemmy has done this, but it's never got to this point! I should be one to help out, or calm lemmy down, or call someone, or take charge, or get my wand, or...i guess i could let max do his thing!

-Roy pov-

Eugh..that looks gross...but..what the hell is max doing?!

-Junior pov-

What is max thinking?! He's a human, not a miracle worker! It's my a fault for not making lemmy get off the trampoline in the first place, and should be me that heals lemmy! But since everyone is just as confused as i am, and definitely curious, i'll just see what happens!

-Max pov-

This is it...everyone's watching...i have no idea if this will even work, but i gotta try! Alrighty..just gotta focus...


"Narala fetar..." Max said in deep tone as a orange aura immediately suddenly surrounded his body while his crystal necklace began shining brightly which made everyone step back in surprise as aura-like lightning came out of his fingertips which surprised even max, but he kept at it even while he was grunting.

It took only a minute as the lighting touched lemmy's leg while focusing on the injury and quickly healed it in a matter of seconds, but unbeknownst to max, the scratch he had on his left arm he accidentally received from iggy earlier healed as well. What max didn't know however, is that kamek had the closest look out of all present, and to's as if cracks are slowly forming on max's arm almost as if he were a mirror, and kamek instantly knew what was happening and is already too shocked to utter a word considering that a human is casting a spell without a wand before his very eyes! As for max, this is what caused him lose focus as a split second of pain washed over his body.

"AGH!" Max yells as he lowers his hand and stumbled backward a few steps and the crystal slowly stopped shining before falling on one knee as mike was the first to tend to max. "That's impossible..." kamek says in disbelief who saw the cracks on max's body fade away as if they were never there to begin with. And in doing so, the pain max felt is no longer there. "Dude...max actually healed lemmy.." Roy said in utter shock while everyone else is also in shock, including lemmy who was able to move his leg without it hurting.

-Lemmy pov-

All i could think about was how bad it hurt! I have always loved to bounce high in the air with my ball and happily did so on the trampoline a couple of times before! I guess i should've listened to junior...but max? How did he do that?!


"I remembered..." Max mutters as he was out of breath. "I can't believe that worked!" He says, this time in disbelief as he sat on the ground while his right arm was quaking but far from broken. But, aside from everyone else, a certain teddy bear was watching, who appeared as if from out of of thin air and watched from afar. "Well, well...this is certainly no ordinary kid..." he says as he at first thought he was an odd human, but now? Now he's curious about him, and even though he hardly shows outwardly care, marx deep down, cared enough at this point to wanna keep his eye on him, or even meet him face to face when the time comes for it.

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