CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5

Start from the beginning

It didn't take long for another hour to pass for the noises and yelling to stop just as Helen said Draco would but then they can now hear the soft crying and sobbing of self-loathing and still blaming when the blond mage cried his heart out for letting one of their own get lost out there, even though Charlotte was one of the new ones and barely even knew her but sounded like he's regretting that he didn't.

Bellamy felt the same way as Draco does, as Charlotte was the youngest of the teenage survivors in this cruel monster-infested world, and she didn't deserve to die from whatever harsh fate or monster that caught up at her when she got lost out there in the woods. He knew deep down that Draco won't stop until he found her...alive or dead, once the storm passes and the weather becomes calm again.

It didn't take long for Draco to calm down, magically fix everything he broke upstairs back to rights and normal, and then come down, all ready and prepared with his sword and other kinds of weapon gear he could arm himself, just as the time passed by almost so swiftly fast and the raging storm quickly turned into the peaceful calm once more and again on that cold snowy weather out there.

Just as the snowstorm had calmed down, Draco would have moved forward and got right out of there but he became more frustrated and madly annoyed when Bellamy and Murphy blocked his way again.

"What the bloody hell do you two think you're doing?" the blond mage demanded coldly. "The storm's gone now so get out of my way!"

"Not without us, you're not, man!" Murphy points out piping and Bellamy nodded agreeing with his best friend.

"Look, just wait for a moment while we get prepared with our weapons and torch lights too so that we won't get lost in the dark, looking for Charlotte," Bellamy reasoned with Draco before he might get more irked up and his temper might blaze up even hotter like he's turning himself like his namesake as some kind of dragon or something angrier than that.

"Well, hurry up then! Before I lose--!" Draco snapped sharply but something unexpected stopped him speechless.


"GUYS! ARE YOU IN THERE!? DRACO'S IN TROUBLE! PLEASE HELP! OPEN UP, PLEASE!" Charlotte's voice cried out shouting and yelling, knocking and hitting her fists against the trailer door's outside, and instantly rendering all the group members inside completely stunned silent upon hearing her.

There was more banging and yelling and the door's handle rattled hard like Charlotte is trying to break in and it took a split-second for one of them to finally snap out of their shocked stupor as Neville was the one who reached for the door and slammed it open wide before Charlotte was about to hit her fists again and shout out for them once more.

"Charlotte!?" Neville exclaimed incredulously, staring wide-eyed in total shock at her.

She sighed with relief upon seeing him and then the others there but missed Draco as she cried out frantically, "Come please! Draco's trapped--he got himself stuck inside a broken car and it's going to crush him! Follow me, Draco's--!"

"--I'm actually right HERE!" Draco instantly and sharply said out loud in a firm snap but mindful enough to not shout it out loud to startle and wake the sleeping children in the back on their big bed.

Charlotte nearly jumped high in the air by the sudden loud snap and then she turned and her eyes widened in shock but with very much relief upon seeing that Draco is okay and that he got out of his trapped state alive and well.

"Oh thank god!" she sighed happily and then looked shameful and embarrassed as she tried to explain herself on why she's been gone and missing, not aware that Draco is pushing and shoving the others aside to get to her. "I'm so sorry, I tried to run back the way we came by following the compass but a monster--!"

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