Part 11

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**Santa's POV**

I can't believe it's already been a month since I've been home. The shoot down here was kind of stranger than usual, when I was down here before time went by quickly and I didn't care what anyone said about gun and I since they knew we weren't connected. 

But ever since that day that Off came up to me and threatened me about Earth I haven't felt at ease. I already knew I needed to choose someone I just wasn't sure who it was going to be yet.  

They were both so different from each other...

Gun is all bubbly and happy all the time, he helps me feel good and he knows everything abuot me. He follows me around like I matter and makes me feel wanted and useful. 

Earth on the other hand is all of these things but he is also a hot head when overly frustrated. He will either break down or yell at someone for half an hour. He is also super detailed in his work. He never misses anything when it comes to people and he is friendly to everyone. Yea he might be one of the most clumsy people I know but he tries hard to make up for it, he never shows that he needs me. It just seems like I'm not needed to him. I feel useless sometimes...

Gun: He runs a hand over my chest as I lay in bed with him resting against my arm and his body curled around mine. "Are you sure you have to go? I could always ask boss if he wants you to work with us in our shoot in Germany. He even said that there was a person missing from his count if you want to come with me."

Santa: "There's no need, I told everyone I would be home today. I already stayed an extra two weeks so I could spend some more time with you. Don't get greedy now."

Gun: He lets out a sad sigh before tightening his grip on me. "I'm not greedy I just don't like sharing what should be mine..."

Santa: "We've already talked about this though."

Gun: "I know we have but the more I talk to Off the more I start to realize that we shoul..."

Santa: "Why are you talking to Off about our relationship like that? Do you have any idea how many times he has threatened to tell Earth in the last month that I have been here?"

Gun: "Well maybe you should tell Earth about us. It's not like your going to end up choosing him in the end anyways. Why hold it off until the last minute?"

Santa: "Don't get cocky, I never said I was going to choose."

Gun: He sits up and peers down at me before pressing his lifts to my cheek. "Yea but if you were to choose it would end up being me right?"

Santa: I slowly bring my arm up and over my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at him as I inwardly groan. When will this guy SHUT THE FUCK UP?!? "I won't answer that and you know this already."

Gun: He collapses against my chest sounding sad. "I know but I was hoping I could get an answer out of you this time but I guess I was wrong."

Before I could protest he leans down and kisses my cheek before getting up and leaving the bed to gather his clothes from the floor. 

Santa: "Where are you going?"

Gun: He glances down to look at the time on his phone. "Your plane leaves in 30 minutes, did you really forget about that?"

Santa: Under my breath. "Shit!..."

Gun: He gives me a half assed wave before heading out of the door once he had all of his things. "You know better than anyone that I am not good at goodbyes so I think I'm going to just head out now. I will see you next time..."

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