Part 10

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**Mew's POV**

Based off of my conversation with Becky yesterday, I have decided to not let this whole issue with Gulf bother me too much and do what she said. If I just give him some time maybe he will talk to me on his own like he did before we found out we were soulmates. 

With this mind set it was easier to go through the day without any issues. It also helped that it was pretty busy for the most part so I could keep myself distracted with everyone making a whole bunch of noise. To be fair it is usually busy here anyways and it was still pretty early in the day but it just felt different. 

Tomorrow Santa comes home and everyone is going to hang out so maybe I can get him to talk to me afterwards. All I know is that I want to fix this, I'm tired of crying about it and moping around like a sad animal. Becky really helped me clear my head and figure out my clear goals. 

I will not act like the victim anymore, If I want something I need to fight for it. 

Becky: She was carrying 3 trays stacked with food as she gives me a wink and points at a table that needed to be cleaned. "Hey Mewie I'm going to take care of table 6 if you can clean table 4 for me."

Mew: I give her a small nod before heading over to the table and sitting down

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Mew: I give her a small nod before heading over to the table and sitting down. Who ever was here before while I was in the kitchen really made a huge mess. "Is there a reason we allow our customers to treat the café this way? You worked really hard to keep it afloat and I know that it's like a child to you."

Becky: She stops at the counter and looks at the marker on the table before laughing. "Don't worry about it, whenever someone does this to one of my tables I usually push it over to the kids section and act like it's something they did."

Mew: That made me chuckle as I glance over at the table that were resting in the corner. "So that's why you allow the kids to hold markers and we throw crafting party's on the weekends."

Becky: She gives me a wink before setting things behind the counter. "If it's messy just blame it on the kids."

Mew: "I should write that down on a canvas and hang it in here as a personal quote."

We were both laughing hard at this point and I could feel my stomach hurting. I'm really grateful to have her as my boss, not even as just my boss I don't know where I would be right now without her. 

I was about to say something else but I heard the bell ring for the front door and planned to greet the person that came in when I felt myself go still when I see Gulf staring straight at me.

Did he come all this way to see me?!?

I couldn't help but widen my smile at him as he nervously looks around the café.

Mew: Not wanting to give him time to change his mind in coming in I get up and awkwardly walk over to him before adding an awkward smile as I fidget with my hands. "Uhm are you here to see me or did you want some coffee?"

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