Bắt đầu từ đầu

"True talk, but I still think that everybody deserves a second chance, don't you agree?"

"Not in this case." Idara said to Anastasia. "Some people are beyond redemption. They just have to learn the hard way."

"Take it from me; it really doesn't have to be so," said Isioma. "Not every situation has to be an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. As a matter of fact, the Bible says-"

"Enough!" Idara snapped through gritted teeth. "There's nothing you'll both say that'll change my mind, because it's already made up. So let's just forget about this issue, 'cause it's a lost cause. Believe me."

"I beg to disagree." Anastasia raised her hand for emphasis. "You know, presently you may be angry at her, but deep inside, you still have a soft spot for that woman. You just haven't realized it yet."

Idara furrowed her eyebrows at that. "What makes you think so?"

"It's pretty obvious, Dara. I mean, if you don't care about her as you claimed, why then do you pick her calls every time she calls?"

Idara was instantly rendered speechless by Anastasia's question. She was so overwhelmed with the power of it that all she could do was gape at her friend as if she was in a trance.

It was at that very moment that Idara came to the realization that she still liked her mother, and that a tiny part of her wanted to see her again-at least for one last time.

Funnily enough, she really did care after all.

"See? That's what I'm talking about right there." Anastasia smiled, pointing at Idara's mystified face. "You still love your mom. Admit it."

"Mmm." Idara heaved an exasperated sigh. "Maybe sha. I can't say for sure."

"Trust me, you still do." Isioma said very softly. "In fact, I feel there's a high possibility of a reconnection between you both, Idara."

"No way!"

"Yes way!" Anastasia countered sharply. "Just so you know, Dara, communication is a key factor in every relationship, so I fully agree with Isioma on that one. You and your momma have to make peace with each other somehow, at all costs."

"Whatever." Idara muttered, putting her feet up on Yomi's dashboard. "I'll try."

"Please do," said Anastasia. "I'd be glad if you did."

Isioma nodded at that. "Me, too."

Sighing heavily, Idara said, "All right, then. I've heard you guys. Thanks for your motivational speeches. I probably needed 'em now more than ever."

"You're welcome, princess." Anastasia said gleefully. "Now, if you'll both excuse me, I gotta go use the nearest ATM machine real quick. And, uh, lest I forget, there are some mouth-watering goodies in these bags beside me. You guys can eat them if you like."

"That's wassup!" Isioma smiled cheekily. "Thank you, Asia. You're too kind."

"Thanks, buddy." Idara winked at Anastasia. "Good luck."

"Thank you both." Anastasia said, opening the car door hastily. "I'll be back in a jiffy. Buh-bye!"

With that being said, Anastasia hopped out of Yomi's vehicle, leaving her friends to the company of each other. The first thing that crossed Isioma's mind was to grab one of the goodybags for herself, but Idara tapped on Isioma's lap in time before she could do it, thereby earning herself a puzzled look from Isioma.

"What is it na?"

Putting her feet back down, Idara said, "Isioma, I had a horrible dream about us."

"Really? When?"

"Last night." Idara said, flinching at the unpleasant memory of her nightmare. "It's something I'd rather not explain. It was beyond terrible. Though I think it was a revelation, or something."

Isioma grimaced. "Baby girl, what're you talking about?"

"Look," Idara said, "I think you should stay with Asia and I for a while."

"Uh, what do you mean? As in, like, I should move in with you two, yeah?"


"And why would I do that?"

"It's for your own safety," Idara replied. "For OUR safety, in fact."

Isioma gave it some thought before saying, "Wait a minute. Is this about Candice?"

"Well, sort of."

Isioma started chuckling. "I knew it. Mehn, the way you fear that chick is really starting to get weird. I never knew it has gotten to the point where you now dream about her o. Chai."

"Ugh!" Idara facepalmed tiredly. "You're getting it wrong, Isioma. Chill and hear me out for a moment."

"Okay." Isioma said in-between chortles. "Pardon me, Miss Josephine. You can go on now."

Wagging her head lamely, Idara said, "See, I'm being serious here, Isioma. The dream I had wasn't nice at all-as in, like, AT ALL! So stop joking around and be a little more considerate. It'll do you so much good."

"Wow." Isioma's jaw dropped at Idara's speech. She was stunned because Idara had never talked to her like that before. "That was... intense."

"Yeah. So, make your decision now." Idara said bluntly. "What's it gonna be?"

Sitting up straight, Isioma crossed her arms and said, "All right. Um, I think I'll need some time to think about it. Is that cool with you?"

"Yes, I guess." Idara responded hesitantly. "But just make sure it doesn't take too long for you to make up your mind, 'cause I'm scared for you-for us, rather."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine! Hakuna matata," said Isioma. "If God be with us, who can stand against us? Nobody. Not even the notorious Candice herself. So relax, babe. Our whole lives are in the hands of God."

"Fact! That's it." Idara offered Isioma a light wink. "Man, am I so happy to see that you're very optimistic about this whole thing! Now, as a means of celebration, let us munch on whatever are in those goodybags. Shall we?

"Straight up, baby girl. Let's rock and roll!"

Wait, wait, wait, I don't know what y'all think about this chapter, but I have a question, and that is: Does anybody like Isioma's character? Do you think she's a vital character to this story, and why? 'Cause I just noticed the way most of you freaked out about her death in the previous chapters. Lmao! 😅🤷

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