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"Fuck where are my keys?-- Aha gotcha!" you said shuffling through the piles of clothes on the floor you hadn't really had time to unpack and from the lack of money, you had been on the hustle to find a job! you had finally just finished training through the book!. Today was your first day, this was the start...

A fresh start...

Turning the key in the door it wouldn't budge, shifting your weight on the dingy door it was the only apartment you could afford at this point! Pulling out your phone you called your grandma waiting for an answer she was quick to pick up pressing the phone against your ear she spoke "Hello Dear, I was just about to call you! How's Colorado?" sighing at the relief of her voice she was all you had left... "Grandma I've only been here for two days, ill get back to you on that, anyways I wanted to let you know today's my first day".

"Good luck dear remember what I always tell you, in this cruel world there are two people"

"Ya, I know I know... there are complicated ones and then there's just pain in----" Refusing to cuss in front of your grandma she finished the sentence right on time "Ass that's right, so do me a favor and kick ass for me"

"I will, okay grandma I got to go or I'm gonna be late I love you goodbye" laughing to yourself, she was always a hysterical character and really in this world she was the light in your life... that's part of the reason you are choosing to pursue a career in undercover detective work, almost fifth-teen years ago your dad disappeared after your mom was killed in a home invasion...

Choosing not to look for him you figured he was dead in a ditch with a needle in his arm...

Still, the people that killed your mom were never why not help other people find justice for their families. Hopping in your car you turned the key, causing the engine to rev... trying to find directions to the CSPD you followed the instructions Chief Bridges instructed.


Arriving, the air was thick with anticipation and nervousness, you had spent years studying for this day, the start of your hopeful career in detective work! Shaking off the first day jitters, a hand reached out from behind you pulling the door open for you "Morning you must be the new gal in town I'm Ron!"...

"Thank you so much yes.. hi... I'm Y/N!" an overcoming nervous chill ran down your spine, Ron was a legend he took down the organization from a telephone, in reality, you idolized the guy!

"Right this way, I have a feeling Bridges made the right choice adding you to the team.. unfortunately, I won't be the one training ya!" he said fixing his fro...

Great, you thought you were gonna train with the best, in reality, you were probably gonna get stuck with some male chauvinist pig of a fifty-year-old detective...

"Chief Bridges wants to see you! feel free to stop by my desk if you need anything I know what it's like to be the newbie, just be ready lots of paperwork!".

"Will do thank you so much!" Finally a nice guy, he would seriously be the best pick for Tanya your best friend from elementary that you still kept in touch with to this day...


Walking into Cheif Bridges office he motioned you to sit in the navy blue chair that sat across from his desk. "Good morning and happy first day I've heard lots of good things about you let's see this file huh?" Fidgeting with the bracelet that laid on your wrist the sound of paper shuffling filled the room. "Yes sir, um I actually have a que-" interrupted by the binder hitting the mahogany desk he cursed into the air "Well god damn!".

"You know a pretty thing like you sure does have a lot of accomplishments, I wouldn't expect that from you but hey I didn't expect Ron to be one of the most valuable assets to this station either but here we are!" wanting to punch the chief his remark was backhanded and kind of pissed you off staying quiet you filled out HR paperwork and asked for your first assignment "So what do I do first Chief, Shooting practice, claiming my weapon, a badge?" feeling stupid at what came out of this man's mouth next he put both hands on the desk in an earnest reply "Go down to the file room for me sweetheart and get detective Stallsworth and Zimmerman the files on our criminal Roger Blackman"...

The Rookie (Flip Zimmerman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now