Moving effortlessly through her room she made her way to the twins, finding exactly what she expected. Pulling the curtains open she stood over a tiny human being that groaned and turned around.

"Morning sunshine." She smiled.

Right before pulling the covers down and softly tickling her second daughter. Small little eyes opened irritated. The brown eye an almost black and the eye grey thundery. She kissed all over the little face as she pulled her upright. Her babies would always be babies she mused.

"Up now, brush your teeth and then I want you down in ten okay." She kissed the tip of her nose before leaving the grumbled child sitting on the edge of her bed.

She moved around effectively in the kitchen. Friday meant french toast for breakfast with fruit. She played soft 80s music in the background hips shaking to the beat as the giggles of little girls followed by thundering footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. She turned just to see the two bickering as they took their places at the island where she made quick work to serve them. Her mini break came in the form of having coffee as they ate before she started making their lunches and the girls were ordered upstairs to change for school as she worked. It wasn't long before they made their way back down and she washed her hand to sort their hair out.

She wet their hair before brushing it and styling the curls to make sure it didn't break. Once done she double checked they had all their school supplies, homework and reading logs. Shoes were ordered to be out on as she ran upstairs to grab a forgotten jacket. Once downstairs she pulled on her own socks and doc martens. She might die from overheating but they were practical and she never wore sandals. Grabbing her bag, she herded her little two to the car driving down three blocks to her sister's to carpool her nephew.

She waved to Sera as her mini me walked out. Her nephew was all her sister minus his hair. The brown mass was a mix of waves and curls that were all Oscar. The boy ran to the car hopping in, leaning to give her a kiss and greet her good morning before buckling in. She smiled at him making sure he had everything before making her way to the school drop off point. Each of them kissed her cheek as she wished them a good day and left with smiles so carefree she felt her own mood pique.

He hadn't been in the city for years. Eight and a half to be exact. Julian realised just how much home had changed. His streets had changed, looking less like full of broken families and a little more out together. You still couldn't miss the kid on the end of the street nor the gang paraphernalia that he also had tatted in his chest, but it was obvious just how close the community was. Closer than when he was a kid. He watched his old home looking more dilapidated than in his days. And he felt guilt. Oscar had left, started a new life, one Julian had every possibility of having if only he wasn't so naive and foolish. A life that had no space for him because he never tried. He couldn't remember the last time he even spoke to his older brother properly, one that didn't end with one of them storming out. But beds had been made and there was no choice but to lay in them.

He drive through the neighbourhood and felt the out in his stomach as he came to a stop in front of a house that was as familiar as his own. The small plant beds in front, the window on the side that he had broken into too many time to count and had jumped out of more than he would ever admit. He could still feel the brief touch of a soft hands caress across his chest. The heat of a body moulded against his, and the shaky breaths against the column of his neck as she shuddered beneath him. He was rubbing his chest before his brown acknowledged the action. Closing his eyes, he shoved the memories deep into the place he locked everything he wished he could forget. Opened his eyes, to see a familiar figure in the window, except he looked older. Mimi's dad still looked ever the badass but he wasn't here to rekindle with the past. Trying to harden his heart, keep all emotion at bay he made his way out the neighbourhood to the area a few blocks down that was better off.

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