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Two months had past and it was now June. Alex was extremely busy at the DEO as they were on the hunt for a man named Quenon on the run who aided an alien criminal. He was taunting the DEO sending voice notes and real notes. Maggie's work load hadn't been very full recently so she was doing a lot of wedding prep for the wedding which was taking place in August. Eva had just broken up from school so her and Maggie were doing a lot of activities together before she headed off to her yearly camp tomorrow. The two were packing up her suitcase ready for her to go at home while Alex was working a bit late with Kara.


"Yes E." Maggie was fumbling through Eva's closet looking for her t-shirts.

"Where is mommy? She's been really busy recently." Maggie turned around to face her.

"Oh I know darling she's had a really important case but she will be home tonight and we can all watch a film together. How does that sound?"

"Okay fine. I'm going to the bathroom."

"Ok sweetie." Maggie watched her go down the corridor and immediately pulled out her phone.

Hey babe, what time you home tonight? She texted to her.

Meanwhile at the DEO Alex was waiting for an alert on their suspect when she felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out her pocket to see it was from Maggie.

Hopefully soon, no movement on the case so need to stay on alert.

Immediately she got a response.

Eva's going to camp tomorrow, we should spend some time with her. She's been asking about you.

I know, I'm so sorry this is just really important I've been working on it for months.

I get it babe work is a priority as well, please just try and be home in the next hour?

I'll try, send my love to E😘. Alex put her phone back in her pocket and continued staring at the screen biting the inside of her mouth.

"Anything?" A voice asked.

"Oh hey Kara no nothing, again." Alex let out a deep exhale.

"Hey something wrong?"

"No no all good."


"Oh alright, Eva's going to camp tomorrow and she keeps asking for me but I need to be here in case of any movement."

"Oh Alex. Your staring at a blank screen here it's pointless. You go be with your little family, I'll call J'onn and let you know immediately on any change."

"Really Kara?"

"Course!! Now go go."

"Thank you." She then excitedly ran of to her car to head home.

Maggie was mixing the pasta sauce into the pasta laying the table for three. She didn't know if Alex would actually get back in time but she didn't want to disappoint Eva. As she poured the food into the dish she called for Eva and grabbed the garlic bread out the oven.

"Mhm smells good mama." Eva said as she walked in.

"Thanks E." They both sat down at the table and Maggie poured some water for her daughter.

"Is mom coming?"

"Oh darling she said she'll try." Just then the door unlocked and Alex appeared.

"Oo what smells good?"


"Hi sweetie, sorry got a bit caught up but here now." She gave Eva a kiss on the head then gave Maggie one on her lips and took her seat next to her.

Second Chance: A Sanvers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now