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It had been 2 weeks since the incident at school with Eva. She was still in the hospital and was going to be realised today. Alex had taken days of from the DEO and the days she had to work Maggie took off. Eva had a broken leg, a few cracked ribs that were healing. She had coded when she came in because one of her cracked ribs went into her heart. That surgery lasted 8 hours. Alex and Maggie had been worried sick for the last two weeks scared out of their minds she will just code again even though she was making a full recovery.

Eva was In her bed doing a puzzle on the portable table just as Alex walked in.
"Hey little one it's time to pack up the puzzle as we are heading home today!!"

"Yay I cant wait. Where is mama?"

"She's just wrapping some things up at work and then she'll meet us at home. But you have a surprise.."

"Ooo tell me tell me."

Out of nowhere Kara appears.
"Hey hey little bug!"

"Auntie Kara!" Kara runs over to hug her niece and then hugs her sister.

"Go load up the car i'll stay with her." Kara says to Alex.

"Thanks." Alex grabs her bag that she had kept in the hospital and Maggie's to go to the car. Once the bags where in the car her phone rang.


The person on the other line asked "Is this Alexandra Danvers?"

"Yes speaking."

"Hi this is the police department, we wanted to know if you were going to press charges against the parents of the children that harmed your daughter."
Alex froze for a minute forgetting completely about this.

"Oh I..I'm so sorry Iv been busy can I let you know at the end of today I need to talk to my partner about it we haven't had much time and haven't wanted to overwhelm Eva."

"Of course just let us know by tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, bye." She hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Alex felt like she was going to cry so she took a few deep breaths.
"Your okay, your okay." She said to herself.

Alex walked back into the hospital to her daughter and sister.

"Hey you ready to go?"

"Finally" Eva said thankfully.

"Would you like a lift to the car miss Eva?" Kara asked.

"Mhm no I want to try with the crutches."
Alex and Kara helped her up and they handed her the crutches and they got going back to the car. Eva had chosen a purple cast as it was her favourite colour.

Alex drove them all back to the house and listened to all of Evas favourite songs. When they got to the house Kara had to carry her niece as there were stairs leading up to the house.
"Your strong auntie Kara." Eva laughed.
Kara let out a loud laugh aswell.
"Haha well anything for her majesty." she replied.

Alex unlocked the door and Kara carried in her niece. There was a large banner hanging up against the window and out popped Maggie.

"Surprise!!" She shouted.
Alex immediately jumped because she had no idea Maggie was home.
"Omg babe you even scared me." Alex gave her girlfriend a few pecks on her soft lips.

"Hi Mama!!" Eva squealed will she was still cradled in Kara's arms.

"Hey Maggie." Kara said as she passed Eva into Maggie's arms.

"Oh well your getting heavier everyday E. You'll have to pick me up soon!!"
Eva let out a giggle.

The four of them got cleaned up, Maggie and Alex unpacked the car and they all played games till it was time for Kara to go as she and Brainy were covering for Alex in the DEO.
"Okay I'm going to head of now. Rest up your leg my little bug." after giving Eva a kiss she said to her.

Second Chance: A Sanvers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now