Going back

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It had been 3 weeks since Eva had been realised from the hospital and it was her first day back. Alex and Maggie had been having a few tough weeks full of guilt but Kara and J'onn had been there to help and reassure them what happened wasn't their fault. Both of them were taking Eva back for her first day so Maggie was getting dressed while Alex was getting Eva breakfast.

"Okay, lunch is here, you're eating breakfast. Ah don't forget to eat your banana it's good for you." Alex was rushing around the kitchen.

"Mama don't worry you have got everything, I don't fancy eating the banana."
Maggie and Alex had both realised Eva was having a loss of appetite which was strange for her. Alex noticed this so she decided to mention it to her daughter.

"E, you love bananas why are you all of a sudden not eating properly? Is something wrong, are you nervous?"

"Well I am, I'm scared that those kids are going to do something to me again."

"Oh darling we are getting that situation sorted and they have been suspended so you won't even see them. I promise you it will all be okay I love you so much."

Just then Maggie came sprinting down the stairs.
"E do you know what day it is soon?"

"My birthday!"

"And how old are you going to be?"

"Nine!" She replied with a beaming smile.

"Well my gorgeous we have a big surprise for you we think you'll love." Alex excitedly said as she gathered Evas bag together.

"Do I have to go on in mamas? I don't really want to. Alex and Maggie exchanged looks with eachother so Alex took the lead.

"Darling why are you so worried, the kids who were being rude aren't there anymore?" She asked her.

"I..I don't know I just don't want to go." Eva grabbed her crutches and hobbled to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Alex looked baffled she didn't know what to do.

"Let me go try you eat something." Maggie suggested. She walked over to the bathroom and softly knocked.

"Eva. It's me can I come in?"

"Only if I don't have to go." she replied quite strongly.

"Ok how about if you let me in we talk about that? Sound reasonable?"
The door creaked open a little and Maggie walked in to find Eva sitting on the floor. She closed the door behind her and sat next to the little girl.

"Are you scared of something other than those kids?"

Eva nodded.

"Ok is it something to do with mom?" She asked her.

Eva nodded again. Maggie looked into her daughter's beautiful eyes with that hint of spill the beans look.

"Those kids were right though."

"What do you mean E?"

"Mama isn't my real mom, my real mom is dead. Ur not either." Maggie felt a little hurt by this but knew Eva was just confused.

"Oh darling family isn't always about blood. I have only known you a few months yet I love you more than anything. Your mom loves you more than you know no matter what. It doesn't all come down to who your related to. It comes down to those who love you no matter who you are. Your mom and I love you so much."

Eva had suddenly cradled herself into Maggie's arms so she pulled her in closer and gave her a kiss on the head. The two hugged for a few minutes when a soft knock went at the door.

"E, can I come in?" Eva gestured to Maggie to open the door and Alex's head popped in.

"Hey you two. Can I join?"

"Of course Mom." Alex sat down on the other side of Eva on the floor and took her hand. They cuddled in together and both of them took Eva's hands.

"So shall we get going then?" Maggie suggested.

"Fine, we can go now." Eva said with a sigh and a giggle.

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