Chapter twelve - pyjamas to breakfast

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I don't know if I used this picture before so just roll with it :)

Also I'm not gonna be doing
That ^ anymore because my fingers be hurting after doing it so I'm not about to take my precious time (jokes) doing it

It's gonna be *** <3


September 23rd
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hermiones POV

Hermione hadn't slept at all that night.

Knowing Harry didn't seem to want to talk to her, touch her or even look at her had made her cry, and cry and, well, cry.

Lavender, one of her roommates, had been awake with her and rubbing her back throughout the night, telling her that she didn't need Harry.

But oh she did, merlin, she needed him more than she needed her sanity.

So she devised a plan.

She had fallen asleep at around 5 AM she guessed, Lavender had spent the night in her bed and fell asleep around 3 AM.

Hermione woke up with a start at 6 AM.

She immediately got up, making sure she didn't wake Lavender, or anyone for that matter, and got dressed in her normal clothes as it was a Saturday.

She went down to the Gryffindor Common Room and waited for about an hour, making sure she knew what she was going to say and how she was going to act.

She then abruptly stood up at exactly 07:40 AM and marched up to the boys dormitory and knocked on the door.

A startled looking Neville answered the door a couple seconds later, holding Trevor in one hand and a lamp in the other.

He was in a fighting stance but once he saw Hermione he relaxed.

She raised her eyebrow at him.

"I am assuming that if I were to be a killer, skilled enough to break into Hogwarts and make their way up to the very dormitory you are standing in you would have tried to bring harm to me with a lamp." Hermione asked, whispering so she doesn't wake anyone.

Neville nodded, looking a bit ashamed of himself, blushing.

"You could have at least grabbed your wand Nev, that would do much more than the lamp" Hermione groaned at Nevilles unintentional incompetence.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks you" Neville said politely, smiling softly.

"Oh! I just remembered why I'm here! Would you by any chance get Harry for me? Please?" She said smiling at the boy, despite being a nervous wreck.

"Yes of course, merlin is he going to be mad at me, he hates being woken up" Neville said, shivering at the memory of Harrys last mood swing.

"Sorry" Hermione said sympathetically to the slightly chubby boy.

He walked over to Harry, slowly, as if biding his time.

He lightly tapped Harry.

A loud groan sounded throughout the room making Neville jump slightly and Hermione flinch.

"H-Harry? Hermione has asked to see you" Neville said timidly, rubbing his eyes, the tiredness washing over him once again.

At the sound of Hermiones name Harrys head shot up from the bed.

He stares directly at him and Hermione couldn't help but clutch her heart at the sight of him.

Merlin was he adorable.

"Cor meum? What are you doing here?" Harry mumbled as if to himself and stumbled out of bed in dark red pyjamas.

"There's something that you've got to see, come quick!" Hermione all but whisper yelled, latching onto him an dragging him out as Neville laid back into bed.

"Thank you Nev!" Hermione shouted out, causing Harry to grumble, agitated.

"No problem Mimi!" He shouted back, just as Harry shut the door.

She dragged him down to the carpet in front of the lit fire and let go of his hand.

He stared at her confusedly and she sighed.

She sat down, criss-crossed in front of him.

A look of realisation came upon his face and he shook his head.

"Hermione I can't do this right now, I'm tired, I'm going to bed" Harry said, and just as he was about to walk away Hermione stopped him by beginning to talk.

"Every time you sit in front of me I sit down with you, every time. No matter how angry or upset or disappointed I am, I sit, and now i am expecting you to do the same. If you do not sit yourself down right now, then merlin help me Harry James Potter, I will never again speak to you for as long as we both shall live. So sit and stay with me, or leave and lose a soulmate." Hermione said sternly, though Harry could see the glistening of her tears against the almond coloured eyes.

Harry wordlessly sat down, making Hermione breath out a sigh of relief. For a moment there she was convinced that he was going to leave her there.

"Tell me why you have been ignoring me" Hermione said, looking sadly into Harrys eyes.

" I haven't been ign- "

"Don't lie to me Harry, lie to anyone else, but not me" Hermione cut him off.

Harry looked down, he didn't want her to be angry but he also didn't want to lose her, and her being mad was way better than losing her forever.

"I don't want to hold you back, you have been making so much new friends, not wanting to hang out with me, talk to me, hug me, or even study with me. I wanted you to be able to move on, and not have me weighing you down." Harry said sadly, looking away and twitching at his glasses, a nervous tic he had.

Hermione stared at him for a couple seconds, just stared.

Then she spoke.

"Harry. I want to make this clear. Just because I have more friends, and less time on my hands does NOT mean I want rid of you. I am so sorry I have been making you feel this way, I had no idea. I will always want you around Harry, Always. I promise if you take me back as your soulmate after what I've done, I'll give you all the hugs you want" Hermione said, sternly yet still smiling softly at him.

Harry looked at her softly. Of course he'd take her back.

He slightly opened his arms and waited.

She glanced at his open arms, then with no hesitation she launched herself into them, wrapping her arms around his neck and settling nicely in his lap.

She shoved her face into his neck and thanked him softly.

"I will always take you back, always want you, and always think of you" Harry smiled against her hair and tightened his grip on her small waist.

He glanced at the clock, it read 07:27AM.

"C'mon Minnie, breakfast is starting in a couple minutes and it's nice to get there early." Harry mumbled against her.

"Kay" she replied shortly and slowly lifted herself up and held out her hand.

He grinned at her and took her hand and lifted himself up, taking her small hand in his and sighed in relief when they're palms met each other.

She held his hand and held the arm closest to her with her other hand and with that they walked to The Great Hall.

A soft comfortable silence surrounded them with Harry only thinking one thing

I'm still in my pyjamas.


Thanks for reading

Always xx

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