Chapter 4- make a wish

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July 30th 1991.
The day before Harrys birthday.
The Dursley Household.

Harry was excited beyond belief.

After him and Hermione had gotten their Hogwarts letters they had been even closer, which theoretically is impossible, but Harry has been sneaking out a whole lot more after realising that he won't have to stick their punishment.

So that's where he is now.

Trying to sneak out.

He slowly crept towards the front door. He had done his housework and the family were just finished lunch, so he thought maybe he could sneak out for a couple hours and come back and pretend he was in the cupboard the whole time. Aunt Petunia will back him up, she'd probably say she locked him in there.

He walked slowly past the living room, trying not to be seen by Vernon who was in there watching an antique show, or Dudley who was sat eating extras from lunch.

Just as he had gotten past the living room, Vernon shouted, "where are you going boy?"

Harry paused, frozen to the spot.

"I-I was just going to my friends house", he saw no point in lying, Uncle Vernon would probably find out anyway.

"Oooo has Harry got a girlfriend? Is it the ugly Granger girl? A nerd, just like you! This is priceless!" Dudley said, laughing gruffly.

"At least she doesn't squeal like a pig" Harry snapped, not thinking of the consequences, only thinking of defending Hermiones name.

"What did you say boy?! Get!" Vernon shouted, face turning red. He got up from the couch with slight trouble, leaving a dent where he sat. He charged towards Harry, latching onto his arm and dragged him to the cupboard, where he proceeded to slap him before opening the cupboard to throw him in. As he opened the door under the stairs, a piece of paper. His Hogwarts letter. Harry berated himself for being so stupid. Why would he leave it out? He mentally slapped himself.

"What's this?" Vernon said stiffly, momentarily forgetting the situation and letting go of Harry to pick it up. He always did have the attention span of a two year old.

As he picked it up and read over it, his face turned purple. Harry thought he was having a heart attack at first.

Then he let out a laugh.

"You really think magic is real?" He said, clearly forcing himself to laugh.

"I don't think, I know" Harry says, wow, he thought, I really don't know how to keep my mouth shut huh?

Before he could say anything Vernon had grabbed him again and had pulled him to the living room, shouting for Petunia. Dudley glared at Harry, obviously still upset over Harrys remark on him.

"What is it dear?" Petunia ran into the room, frantic from the calls of her husband.

"Pack your bags, we are leaving and not coming back until September 2nd" Mr. Dudley nodded, proud of his sudden decision, but obviously still panicking.

"W-what? No! You can't do that!" All Harry could think about is how he won't be able to go to Hogwarts with Hermione if he let his uncle go through with this.

"I can, and I will boy, now bite your tongue" Vernon said, gripping his arm harder, it was obvious that it was gonna leave a mark.

"Now pack your bags, be down here in 10"

*15 minutes later*

Harry and Dudley sat in the backseat of the Dursley car while Vernon and Petunia were up front. The only sound in the car was Dudleys quiet sniffles after Vernon had slapped him when he insisted on bringing his new tv. Vernon objected to say the least.

Together in Heart• harmione •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن