Chapter 2 - Solum

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Time skip (9 months) (summer).
For the sake of entertainment let's just pretend that they can both get their Hogwarts letters at the same time :) it will also be on Dudleys birthday soo a bit of a change I guess.

Okay back to the story. <3


JULY 23rd 1991.
9:23 am
No.4 Privet Drive.

A week. It has been a week since Harry had seen his best friend. A week since he had hugged her and a week since he had laughed, or even smiled.

And he wanted her.

He was craving her touch and her smile. He missed her so much.

He had woken up early, around 7 maybe, and waited in his broom cupboard for aunt Petunia to let him out.

At around 9 aunt Petunia decided it appropriate to let him out, telling him to make breakfast while she cleans around the kitchen, awaiting her husband and son to come stampeding down the stairs. It was, after all, her sons birthday so he is set to wake up early, eager to get his presents.

Harry was given the food he had to cook and left to it. He simply rolled his eyes and got to it. While he was in the middle of frying sausages his lump of a cousin came running down the stairs, jumping harder with each step, shouting about his future trip to the zoo.

"Oh! The birthday boy! Well come, come! Open your presents dear, I want everything to be perfect!" Aunt Petunia says in a sickly sweet scratchy voice, covering Dudleys eyes and leading him to the presents. Once in front of the massive pile, she lifted her hands with an excited look on her face.

"How many are there?"

"36! Counted them myself" Vernon says, with a pleased look on his face.

"36?! But last year! Last year I had 37!" Dudley exclaimed, his chubby face going red.

"Well yes, but some of them are quite a bit bigger than last years-" he was cut off by Dudley screaming in his face.


"Oh well- I- well here's what's gonna happen, we are gonna go out and buy you two more presents!" Petunia says in a pleading tone, rushing her words.

Dudley gave her a disgusted yet satisfied face as he nods.

Harry shakes his head slightly, disapproving of their treatment of Dudley. The boy hardly deserved one present let alone 36. He should be grateful.

There was a knock at the door.

Harry swiftly put down the pan after putting the family's food on their plates and ran to the door. He opened it and was met with Piers Polkiss and his wretched parents.

Quickly Harry let them in and took their coats, hanging them up.

Piers sneered at Harry as he passed and shoved him into the wall, while his parents acted oblivious to the scene playing in front of them. Harry felt an overwhelming urge to kick him, or slap him, it didn't matter but he wanted revenge.

Harry you must calm down, revenge isn't always the best way to solve things!

Harry heard Hermiones words echo in his head and sighed defeated. Hermione had said that after someone had mocked her about her teeth and Harry went on to threaten to hurt them. She always was the level headed one out of the two ten year olds.

He knew it was wrong to hurt someone but sometimes he couldn't help it, he was tired of being defenceless so one day when someone shoved him going down the hallways in school, he had shoved them back and proceeded to start a fight until Hermione showed up dragging him away from the scene.

Together in Heart• harmione •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora