19. Shot

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Jungkook and Taehyung had finished with the coffee. Taehyung was paying the money and Jungkook was waiting for him outside the cafe. He had been ignoring all the phone calls that he has been receiving because he wanted to spend some alonetime with his love.
But the continuous calls were getting on his nerve and hence he decided to attend it.

"Oh it was dad who was calling me. Some emergency might have come up" he said to himself.

"Hello dad"
"TAEHYUNG why the hell weren't you attending my calls?"

The target wasn't currently moving, giving a good access to the assassin.

"What's the matter dad?"

"Get out of the cafe now. Dont argue, just get out of the place with kook"

Aim was set on the heart. Gun was raised and one pull on the trigger and everything will go as planned.

"Ok dad... am getting out. What happened?"

"Its Minjung, he has sent someone to kill you at the cafe"

Taehyung started moving from his position. But, before he got out......

The trigger was pulled. Not once. Not twice. But three shots. One to his heart. One to his stomach. One to his shoulder.


Gunshots were heard, making people run out of the cafe scared but what what they saw in the front stopped them abruptly. Loud gasps were the only thing heard.
Taehyung couldn't move. He stood there dazed.

"No..no.. they didnt shoot me... so... NO...jung... jungkook"
Taehyung ran fast to the front pushing himself through the crowd. There lay Jungkook with just a shallow breath and blood making a pool around him and nothing more. Taehyung couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He sat on the ground immediately pulling Jungkook to his lap.

"H..hey... kook.. kook...dont close your eyes.. kook...no... plssss"
He was losing his sanity.

"someone please call the ambulance.. please .. fast"
He was screaming loudly, holding a plae Jungkook close to his heart and tears making their own way down his face.

The ambulance arrived. Jungkook along with taehyung was taken to the hospital. Kangmin and Jihyun who had arrived at the cafe was met by a huge crowd and police. But what they heard from the police broke their hearts. Without wasting a minute they rushed to the hospital.


Taehyung was again sitting in front of the intensive care unit. Sitting still as if he was dead. Last time he was here, he was crying with guilt but this time he had no more tears.
Kangmin didn't know whom to console, his son or his friend. News of the shooting spread like fire and all their friends and Taehyungs brother had come to the hospital.

Five hours had already passed by and still no one came out of the room. At last, Dr Park came out with an unreadable expression. Taehyung bolted up from his seat and asked

"How is he ?"

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim. He has lost lot of blood and his vital organs have been injured. The bullet missed its point but tore the walls of his heart. In conclusion, he is in a critical stage. Another major operation will be conducted immediately."

"Will he be fine then? Will my kook be ok?"
Dr. Park placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder

"Even I want him to be ok Mr. Kim. But... but I dont know. Let's pray to God . Also its not allowed for everyone to stay here. Taehyung you don't look well. Go home and take rest. Take Mr.Jeon as well. Kangmin can stay here."
Saying this the doctor went back to the care unit.

Jin walked towards his brother.

"Tae, you should go home, change your bloodied clothes and take some rest. Come on I will take you home."

"No hyung. I'm not going anywhere leaving him here. He will be all alone if I leave."

"See Tae if you dont go, even Mr. Jeon will not go. He is already old and tired. Do this for Jungkook and for his father. Jungkook will be fine. Nothing is going to happen to him."

"Are you sure hyung?" Taehyung looked at him with tear stained eyes.

"I promise you tae. Now come, your hyung will take care of you."

Saying this they left the hospital praying for Jungkook's recovery.


Here comes another update!

The book will end soon... just few more chapters left....

Thankyou for all the love 😍

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