"If you were the average nobody ...a gown and diamonds; but due to you being with me anything is appropriate. "He explains as he opens the closet doors and keeps his hands on the handles as he leans back to scan the different items.

I cant keep my eyes from roaming down his slender physique and taking in every muscle and loose fabric around his body . I admire the way his clothing fits his form so well . His hair looks a bit messy but it's a good messy .

Oh the things I could do-No ! What am I doing ?

I shake my head of the perverted thoughts and pull out a pair of loose trousers and a blouse I never wear and make my way over to the bathroom . "I'm getting changed dont come in ." I call as I step into the bathroom.

"Its me who should be worried of you peeking Love."he shoots back before I shut the door.

My face heats up and I distract myself by slipping off my paint-stained clothes and pulling on the fancy ones.

It's been so long since I've had a moment to myself that in going luney with sexual thoughts of a psychotic murderer!

However ...Vincent is a very attractive man . His cocky personality just adds to the attractiveness. If he was unattractive I would be having very different thoughts right now .
However it's not only his looks but also his charm. He knows how to win over someone's heart with small thoughtful gestures like playing with my clothing as a way of distraction or longing looks he'd send when out in public . He makes me feel cared for when he checks up on me to see if I'm feeling okay . Yet at the same time completely disregards that I want to go home.

I wish I had a way out of thus nightmare.

I reach for Vincent's extended hand as I climb out the car . My eyes widen in shock as we stand in front of the beautiful mansion with eccentric details in the building that give the impression of Roman architecture .

"This is your house ?"I ask in astonishment as Vincent intertwines our fingers without me noticing .

"Not necessarily. "He shrugs and pulls me towards the stairs leading up to the front door . "Its under my name but I refuse to actually live here ."

It's understandable that Vincent wouldn't want to live with his wife he doesn't love but this building is so huge that he wouldn't even cross paths with her if he stayed . This mansion is so astonishing that it would be worth seeing a witch like Amariah every day.

Just as we make it up the stairs , the huge front door opens and reveals an elderly man in butler's attire . A small smile forms on his lips once his eyes land on Vincent and he steps aside before bowing his head .
"Its wonderful to see you again sir . "

"As to you too Wallas. How have you been?" Vincent asks as we step inside the building .

I look around in shock at the beautiful interior. The building looks awfully like an art gallery similar to the one that displayed Vincent's new works a while ago .

Huh...that feels like a really long time ago .

"Just splendid sir . Although Missus  Fantomhive has me running around for tonight's dinner . " Wallas sighs and clears his throat ."Speaking of , she's is currently taking a bath and will be in the study shortly . She requested you join her in the tub if you would like."he shifts awkwardly and darts off towards one of the doors where he enters and disappears.

She left such a sexual request with the butler . How trashy .

"Come my Love . I'll show you my library . I think you'll like it . "Vincent squeezes my hand and guides me up the long spiral staircase .

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