Chapter Fifty-Four

Start from the beginning

It had been four hours and Srishti wanted to go back to her baby but the two idiots weren't allowing her and she was growing suspicious plus annoyed.

"That's it. I'm leaving." She announced and stood up to leave when Aditya panicked and nudged Zevah to stop her.

"Srishti, listen─" Zevah tried but one look from her and she zipped her mouth shut.

Luckily, Aditya's phone pinged and he sighed in relief when Sahil said they could let her come back.

"Okay bye, Srishti." He said happily and Zevah looked at him in disbelief whereas Srishti narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you guys hiding?" She asked and they froze.

"Ayaansh must be waiting for you. Please go." Aditya begged and as much as she wanted to stay and find out, he was right. So she thought of dealing with them later.

Once she reached, she heard some commotion going inside which made her frown. She opened the door and heard a shout,

"No wait, not like that─" 

Sahil froze seeing her at the door whereas Srishti stared around dumbfounded. Her eyes landed on Sahil and a minute later she burst out laughing. Although it annoyed him but her laugh was enough to let it go. Everybody else joined her in the laughing spree whereas Sahil grumbled under his breath trying to get rid of the confetti which now covered him.

She felt a tug on her dress and looked down only to find Tina grinning up at her. There was a letter in her hand which made her frown as she took it from her. Tina once again tugged on her dress and asked her to bend down, which she did, and a kiss landed on her cheek which made her smile.

"This kiss was not from me." She giggled and ran away before Srishti could say anything. 

She stood up and opened the letter,

I know I don't deserve you but I promise I'll keep trying to earn your forgiveness even if it takes years. 

Her eyes met his and she could see the anticipation in them clearly. Crushing the paper in her hand, she threw it away and watched as his face fell. She ignored the pain and looked around with a smile. All her orphanage kids were here and they looked happy and she knew it was all his doing. 

"Srishti, your house is sooo big." One of them commented excitedly and she chuckled. Watching the kids running and playing around was fascinating but what was more attractive was watching him surrounded by kids and trying to pay attention to all of them patiently.

Her heart warmed at the sight and she sighed. She looked for Ayaansh and found him sitting on the couch, beside Sahil. He was leaning on his Dadda with his concentration on ─wait, is that a phone?

She gasped and quickly walked towards him and without a second thought she hit Sahil on his shoulder. 

"Sahil, what is this? Why did you give him your phone?" She hissed angrily and he stared at her dumbfounded.

"What? When did I─" He turned and found Ayaansh fidgeting with his phone which made him frown. When did he give him his phone? 

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