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We all stare at him for a little until I broke the silence.

"who's this, Hisoka."

I ask casually and Hisoka looks over at me for a second but looks back at the guy.

"He was an examiner last year."

The guy starts to stand up and speak,

"I'm not here as an examiner this year, though. I'm here for revenge."

I don't say anything. He looks at me and Illumi angrily and snarls,

"Well, well, well... Looks like there's gonna be more corps than I expected."

My eyebrow twitches upwards and I sit down, crisscrossed. The guy looks at me with a smirk and starts to take out two blades from behind.

"Today I get payback, Hisoka. For all the scars you gave me!"

Hisoka laughs lightly and responds,

"Those scars are but a symbol of your incompetence as an examiner. Don't blame me for your inadequacies."

"Shut up. Now... Prepare to die!"

The man throws the two blades towards us and I see one coming towards me. I concentrate on the blade and finally do a back roll and land on my feet. I dodged it perfectly and notice the person dash towards Hisoka. Hisoka evaded the attack and I realized a little before that a blade was coming my way. I used my telekinesis and stopped the blade that came towards me.

"Wait- How did you do that...?"

I looked at him with lifeless eyes and he got a bit startled. I look towards Hisoka and Illumi only to see they were still dodging. I feel a presence behind me and look back. The guy was going to swing at my neck but I stopped him with my telekinesis. He was in the air choking and trying to grab at whatever was holding him up. Except, the only thing that's holding him up is force. His face started to turn purple so I dropped him. He coughed brutally and I stepped on his face forcefully. Hisoka and Illumi looked at each other and grabbed the knives easily. They started to walk up from behind me slowly while I grabbed the man by the hair and pulled him up. His face had an imprint of the bottom of my shoe and my lips twitched into a disappointed frown.


He looked up at me with rage and tears in his eyes. He was probably going to yell but instead asked,

"Who even are you??"

I looked at him with an expressionless face,

"doesn't concern you."

He looks up at me with an angered face,

"finish him off, i don't feel like fuckin around with him."

Hisoka and Illumi stand behind me and raise their blades.


Hisoka and Illumi slice his head off and the candles blow out. We stand there for what seemed like a few seconds before a concrete wall rises and light shines from within it. Once the door was fully open we started to walk inside. A loud robotic voice was heard throughout the room,

"First to pass the third phase Hisoka, number 44. Y/n, number 406. And lastly Gittarackur, number 301. Time elapsed, six hours, seventeen minutes."

I use my ability sin and summon a comfortable bed in the corner. I jump onto the mattress and reach into my buttoned pocket to take out my phone. I feel a presence behind me.

"try anything like getting into my bed and i'll kill you."

Hisoka responds with a laugh but walks away. I start doing random stuff on my phone until I fall asleep.


𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 • 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐰Where stories live. Discover now