Kind of like what happened last night, I wasn't sure if he needed to talk to Harry, I guess I just had an instinct. Like, even though I didn't know, I knew in a way. Maybe how he knew where I was last night, without even having to think about it, and he just sat there, knowing that I don't like to talk until I'm ready but also knowing that I don't like to be alone. And we were there for each other, just sitting in comfortable silence. Knowing everything and nothing at the same time.

Woah. That just got deep, I don't do crushes though. And I won't until he gives me some kind of sign that he's interested. Until then, I am crush free and we are still best friends. This is why Julie and I are different, she believes in this stuff, I don't.

I hear stirring from the other side of the room. It's Julie, she's finally getting up. Good, I've been thinking for like an hour. She sits up, rubs her eyes and looks my way once, looking away right after. Her head snaps back to me, her eyes big and I laugh.

"You're actually up this early?? On a Sunday??" 

"Don't get used to it," I say, getting up and stretching, "This was a one time thing. Do you normally do this much thinking in the morning?"

"Yeah, if there's a lot on my mind. What was on your's?"

"Oh, you know........ What I found in Uma's book last night." I lie, looking over at the book on my bed.

"Oh, ok." She says, standing up and walking towards me. "Wanna go help me wake up the boys? I'll give you Alex, he's the easy one."

"Really? I would've thought he'd need his beauty sleep the most."

She shrugs and we make our way out of our room and down the stairs to the boys' room. When we get there, I go on they far side where Alex's bed is and Julie walks in the middle of Luke and Reggie's beds, she shakes them lightly. I roll my eyes and yell,


They jolt up, Luke grabbing his pillow as a weapon and Reggie getting tangled in his blankets and falling, Alex just tripping over air and falling. Julie and I look at each other and burst into laughter, almost falling like 2/3 of the boys did, getting glares from all three of them.

"Oh, you should've seen the looks on your faces." I say, "Meet us in the kitchen, we have planning to do." I walk off.

"See? Now you should appreciate when I wake you up more, it could be like this everyday." I hear as I walk out, I laugh to myself. The boys murmur little nothings that I can't really hear. I make it to the kitchen counter and turn on it, seeing Julie on her way over. She comes over and stands next to me, both of us looking over at the boys' bedroom door. Soon, they emerge from their hole and come over to the opposite side of the counter, all of them looking like zombies.

"So, what's the plan?" Alex asks Julie and I, Luke and Reggie nodding along with him.

"We came up with it last night," Julie says, looking at me to continue.

"Anyways, so, last night we went through the Uma's book and the spell book and we found somethings that can be useful, like the Magical transport spell, I was thinking that one day we could try to use it to get out of here. Back to the topic, I was thinking that after school tomorrow we would go to the forest that Uma told us was right behind the school, turns out Uma gave us a map. So the plan was that, like, two times a week, we would go to the forest after school and test out spells, practice, and plan for the big day." I say, the boys grinning at Julie and I the entire time.

"Okay, we can do that. What about your Mom's shoppe? Won't she get mad at us being late two days a week?" Reggie asks.

"Puh-lease, she won't mind one bit." I say, smirking at Julie, remembering when we told her.

THE CORE FIVE|| Descendants/Julie and the phantoms AUWhere stories live. Discover now